Proposal calls for Broward voters to ban all assault-style weapons


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Proposal calls for Broward voters to ban all assault-style weapons

By JODY A. BENJAMIN, Sun-Sentinel
Web-posted: 8:02 p.m. Nov. 16, 1999

FORT LAUDERDALE -- Citing bloody rampages like the one at Columbine High School in Colorado, Florida State Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz wants to outlaw the sale and possession of all assault-style weapons in Broward County.
At a press conference today with Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne, Wasserman-Schultz will release a proposal to ask Broward County voters in the November 2000 election to ban assault-style weapons.
"With recent events such as Columbine, it has finally hit home that there are children who are gaining access to these weapons," said Wasserman-Schultz, D-Weston. "I think we should take any opportunity we can to limit access to them."
A second proposal would require gun dealers to keep assault weapons under lock and out of public view after business hours.
The press conference, which is open to the public, is scheduled for 3 p.m. at the BSO Crime Lab in the north wing of the Broward County Courthouse, 201 SE Sixth St., Room 1799, in Fort Lauderdale.
In January, the 18-member Broward delegation, which Wasserman-Schultz chairs, will vote on which local bills to present to the Legislature next March. If the Legislature agrees, the question will go to voters in November 2000.
Wasserman-Schultz said she feels Broward support for an assault weapon banis strong, based on feedback from voters in her district. But she expects stiff opposition from other Tallahassee legislators.
"I think it will be difficult to get it through the Legislature," she said. "There is a lot of support for it in Broward, but the National Rifle Association is still a strong interest group." She said she expects the NRA will be able to sway some legislators against the bill.
Jenne approached Wasserman-Schultz about proposing a ban last spring after a brazen gun heist in Pembroke Park.
In that pre-dawn May 21 heist, police said four men pried a steel security shutter off Big Al's Gun and Pawn Shop, 3300 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd. They smashed glass cases and made off with about 50 high-powered assault rifles and pistols.
BSO later arrested one man, 18-year-old George Miles, for the robbery but never recovered the stolen guns.
"Assault weapons are not for hunting, or target practice, or any type of sport," Jenne said. "Their only purpose is to kill indiscriminately and for that reason, there is no place for them on the streets of Broward County."
But on Tuesday, Big Al's owner Richard Donofrio expressed dismay about the latest proposal to ban the sale of assault weapons, saying it signaled the first step toward a wider ban of all guns.
"Most of your crime is committed with regular handguns and semi-automatic pistols, not assault weapons," said Donofrio. "So if their purpose is to cut down on crime, I don't think it would be very effective... We need to control criminals, not control guns."
Donofrio, who said assault-style weapons constituted only a small percentage of his sales, said he would support a law requiring sellers to lock up weapons during off-hours.
Although the proposal would have no effect on gun dealers in neighboring Miami-Dade or Palm Beach counties, Wasserman-Schultz said a Broward ban would be worth the effort.
"If you have to drive a little bit farther to get a gun, then that is a positive step," she said.
Jody Benjamin can be reached at 954-356-4530 or

Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Ken Jenne is a political hack with the type Napoleon complex that can only be found in those concerned about their lack of height. His fundraising efforts are an embarrassment and his record for business partnerships reads like the Who's Who of Good Ole Boy Florida business.

Have I mentioned that he's not my favorite cop?
Don't shoot the messenger folks, Ms. Benjamin just reported what those idiots said. If you do write, you might compliment her on just reporting what went on, with no bias.

BTW, the Sun-Sentinel has a poll on whether to ban assault rifles at -- about half way down the page. It's now 54% No, 45% Yes.

I've also started a topic on their message board about the lunacy of this proposal.
It's at,2194,173,00.html

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.