Property Lines


New member
Curiosity here. What is the general rule of thumb for when a deer meanders onto adjacent private property after being shot. I know of several people who quit tracking there. If you were a property owner, would you prefer I continued to track the deer, or stay off the land?
I think if you're a land owner and a sportman, allowing the hunters to "play through" should not be a problem. Obvioulsy, just tracking on your land w/o permission is another story.
I think most landowners in hunting areas wouldn't mind. Of course, if you touched off a shot on someone else's property, you might be amazed at how fast some folks can figure your location and get out there. :D

We used to have an agreement with the neighbors back home - we all SAT on our own property, but tracking a hit deer was OK on anyone's land. Heck, the Dads and Uncles had more fun helping other guys find their deer than they ever did trying to shoot their own. :D
That actually sound slike fun, tracking like Hawkeye from Last of the Mohicans....I never got a shot off with my Dad and uncle, but I developed a pretty good eye. :rolleyes:
Ask first........

Legal wise, in Michigan if you cross the line without permission to do so you trespass. If land owner wants to prosecute you they can. If memory serves me right a few years ago the fine was raised to 350.00 and I guess with conviction you will get all the court cost to pay too?

On most cases of this if the hunter would check in first with the owner it might be shocking just how many (non-hunter types) would still say yes to recover a game. In my area we all have agreements with neighbors for just such issue can and will take place. If it was me in an area I am not sure of the owner I would make all reasonable means to locate and ask first.

If we mind our manners as sportspersons and hunters we will be treated much better both afield and in the press too... ;)
When faced with a question like this, I like to remember a story by the late Gene Hill titled "When No One is Looking" from his book Sunlight and Shadows. In it one of his hunting mentors, Judge Landis, tells the following tale:

"'I think a lot about hunting; it's a complicated piece of business,' he said. 'But I remember one thing that came to me when I was a little older than you are, I was out by myself, with one of my father's good bird dogs--and one of his good guns. He didn't mind; he believed that things are meant to be used. And while I was out, I had what I like to think of as a T-H-O-U-G-H-T.' (He spelled it out and it sounded like it was all in capital letters.) 'I haven't had all that many, so they're not all that hard to remember. I was hunting grouse, and a young bird flew up in front of the dog and landed on the branch of some kind of pine...tamarack, maybe. I had already missed three or four and hated to come home empty-handed; my father always had something to say about that. I swung the gun up on the bird, and then I put it down. That's when I had my THOUGHT: I thought that here I was alone, doing the right thing--a thing I knew that many men wouldn't blink an eye over--and that I was in the most vulnerable of moments--when no one is looking. I knew then that I'd turn out all right. I knew then that I was an honest person. That I could trust myself. What do you think of that?'"

When no one is looking, do the right thing: always obtain permission before attempting to retrieve game on private land.

Good luck, and good shooting!
Not sure about most states, but in Iowa you leave your firearm or bow on your side of the fence then cross to retrieve the game (that's legal)....take your hunting tools across with you and it's tresspassing.

As a land owner nothing pi_ _es me off more than a tresspassing hunter that can't read signs or is ignorant of the law.
When no one is looking, do the right thing: always obtain permission before attempting to retrieve game on private land.
In my state this is the law as well as good ethics. Plus common sense; nobody wants to walk into someone elses cone of fire.
This is a dilemma.... Where I hunt, technically you have to ask permission to retrieve an animal (deer) that crosses over onto property that you do not have permission to hunt on. Reality may be different as long as you aren't shooting on the other property. I would hate to leave a downed animal just because it crossed some legal boundary that you frequently can not see anyway.

Folks that have hunting leases on property get down right Nasty if you wander onto "their" land. The MN event of last fall comes to mind as to the kind of thing that could happen given the right buttons are pushed.

Frankly, for me, it would be a matter of degree; 50 yards is one thing and 200 yds is entirely a different matter.

I'd say that as a responsible hunter your first responsibility is to the animal that you wound. I know lots and lots of landowners who wouldnt even throw you a dirty look for going in and getting a deer you wounded. I know that ideally you should never have to go looking for a deer because 1 shot = 1 kill but thats a rare circumstance when that goes right for everyone every year.

What i personally would do is go in get the deer get out without causing damage and then find the landowner and let them know. Id also offer some nice deer steaks too just to make sure everythings cool.
Lots of good suggestions I have that problem myself cuz I often hunt on public land and my favorate spot is a field that is bordered by a small chunk of private land. Even though the private land is surrounded by public land I could see it now. Hit a deer with a good lung shot with a broadhead, it runs, jumps the fence and drops right in the middle of the private land. Fortunately this didnt happen this last year but for this next archery season I'm going to find out who the land owner is and ask him for permission to retriave game before it happens and of course ask him again before I actually do it if it does happen. Ive also heard that if you can not find the land owner you can call a conservation officer to come out and go with you on the land to retrieve your game. I dont know how ligit that is cuz Ive never had to do it but it might be worth a shot and that way if the land owner finds out theres a record that you were not actually hunting on his land.

you have to get the landowners permission to track the deer on their property. I would get permissions from surrounding landowners before the season if I am hunting nearby. Ohio people are nice about this if you smile nicely and explain it is just to track an animal.

If you don't already have permission, just ask at the farmhouse or whatever. People are nice about it. Offering some venison helps too. :)
If this happened to a neighbour,(wounding a deer) and the deer entered my property. I would fully expect him to wait at my camp for me to return from my watch. There is nothing that erks me more than hearing a snap and positioning myself for that sound and then seeing hunter orange and a red face show up,screwing the rest of my morning or evening watch. There is not a thing wrong with leaving a animal for a few hours and sometimes depending on the hit is the best thing to do. I would then gladly help, as well as the rest of my party, in any way I could to retrieve his animal, just common courtesy,and respect, for your neighbour. not to mention a lot safer
The neighbors in our area are great. :) Even though they have permission they call the day before to say they'll be coming our way in the morning. I noticed my cousin does the same when he hunts their land, too. I was curious because I did not understand why I found a deer carcass in the spring, yet no one had come around. Turns out the hunter had permission on adjacent land but stopped at the property line because he didn't know who owned the other side. I can understand the safety factors during the season if no one knows your coming through, but I hate to see the waste. :(
As a landwoner, the land is used by me and selected friends only to hunt on. I spent many hours tending to it to try to make it legally productive.
If it was the landowner on either side not a problem as long as he comes to me first and shows a blood trail or other evidence. I have the same agreement with them.
Anyone else will be in deep do do.
It is different from state to state, and as you can see from the posts above it pays to know for sure.

Rembrandt's solution is the best. Iowa must be an enlightened state to live in, pun intended. Still, better hope the owner knows the law too.

Under ancient, obsolete "common law," it was legal to pursue game onto your neighbor's property. Things were different then. Don't try this now.
In my state, (my understanding is) you have a *right* to keep tracking onto another's property, and if they refuse or accuse you of trespassing, you can get the game ranger out there and he will force them to let you look to recover game, if *shot* on property on which you had the right to hunt/permission.

What state is that? I would have a hard time accepting a rule that says a stranger who may have a neighbor's permission to hunt their land has a "right" to come onto my land because he made a poor shot. (I have made poor shots before and that's not the issue.)
actually, 20cows, I think you need to get permission first from the landowner before entering as a nicety, BUT then if the landowner refuses, the game warden will come out and "force" the landowner to let you on the property, for the purpose of retreiving the game only. But I know what you're saying - I can see both sides of it. My state is Okla, and what I've said is heresay from experienced hunters; I did not read it in the regs with my own eyes, so it could be in error.