Proper way to check groups


New member
What is the way you check groups when trying new ammno? Like fire one round to warm barrel then shoot 3 to 5 round for group.How many rounds of each ammno? Should you let the barrel cool between groups and how long? Should the barrel be cleaned between different ammno? How do you measure group size?

I typically shoot 5-7 round groups & measure center to center. Don't really think you have to clean between each brand or group unless you are concerned about that last micron.
Call me crazy, but I usually include cold shots in my groups. Some ammo is really consistent, some isn't. Including the cold shot gives me a better idea of weapon-ammunition interface.

I don't CARE about pretty....I just want dangerous.
Trying new loads, clean between groups. Fire 5 shots and make note of where 1st shot is in relationship to group. Some firearms are worse than others about 1st shot flyers.

OTOH, 1st shot (flyers or not) is the shot to zero to in a hunting rifle.
Group size is measured center to center of the two farthest apart bullet holes. If you can't figure out how to do this, measure outer edge to outer edge of the two most distant holes and subtract the bullet diameter.

I started out shooting 10-shot groups when trying a new load. After a few years, I got lazy and cut back to 5-shot groups. I guess there was an unconcious decision that since I'd found a good load for a .30-'06, the gun would have to fit the load.
In recent years, I just load three rounds of some bright new idea and see what happens. If I can put three shots inside, say, 3/4" with the '06, that's as good as I need. I'm a hunter, not a bench-rester.

The first shot is always from a cold barrel. I'm not in a hurry, but I don't wait around very long before #2 and then #3.

I've never cleaned the bore between several groups of loads. Doesn't seem to matter.

When I'm getting ready for deer season, I'll thoroughly clean the bore. I'll shoot three shots; if #1 was not off from the other two, I'll call it "good". If it's a flier, I'll fire a fourth shot to see if I'm getting a good three-shot group. And gripe; #1 should not have been off...I'll wait til the gun is all cooled down and shoot three more. Usually, that's all that's needed. Sometimes, the first shot from a very clean bore will wander off from where it oughta go.
Absent wet weather, I won't clean the bore again til the end of the season.

Hope all this BS helps.
