Proper Police Procedure

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Local drives ancient, clapped-out pickup to Post Office. Constable (Wearing his Colt Lightning replica, of course, with his really nice hand-tooled shell-belt and holster that he made, hisownself) pulls up alongside.

C: "Your license plate is out of date." (By four years or so.)

L: "Yeah, and I don't have any insurance or inspection sticker, either, but don't tell the Law."

C: "I AM the Law!"

L: "Oh. Yeah, right. Okay, forget I said anything."

C: "Okay."

And that's the way it is... :)

Later, Art
Art, Is this an early August Texas dream or is Terlingua really that mythical place I first found in an old Jerry Jeff Walker album cover?

"London Homesick Blues"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Man, I need to move to Terlingua!

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
- Elie Wiesel 1928
Greetings, all, this is my first post. As a past resident of Brewster County, TX, I believe I can vouch for the veracity of Mr. Eatman's original post. A wise and kindly constable down Study Butte way (near Terlingua) once offered me an option of finding an immediate ride back to Alpine (~90 miles) or a weekend in what then served as a temporary lockup in Terlingua. What can I say, but to caution others on the evils of strong drink in that climate....
I look forward to posting on the Handguns, Reloading, and Rifle forums here!
Y'all also had an ex-Ranger as a Deputy there, last I was there.

Terlingua's nice, but they're starting to put in street signs, friend Alan Dameron says.
It's been my experience with small-town Texas law men (I've run into a few) that they are generally more interested in keeping the peace than with giving somebody a hard time. Haven't run across a bad one yet. Not the same story here in the city (Houston).

DC knows good music too!?! What a woman!

"I am convinced that we can do to guns what we've done to drugs: create a multi-billion dollar underground market over which we have absolutely no control."

George L. Roman

"The U.S. Constitution may be flawed, but it's a whole lot better than what we have now."

"If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put Clinton there?"

Lone Star,
San Antonio may not yet be as bad as Houston, but they are trying and succeeding in becoming real buttheads! (Details available upon request!)

Here in Comal County, they are as friendly as you will let them be. Get snotty, get snotted on. Stay polite, watch Officer Friendly.

Me? I stay friendly!
LongPath: Yeah, Allen's house is on a named "street".

A lot of it is the 911-system deal. Every ranch road along Hwy 90 to Del Rio has a street sign.

So far, my drive has escaped sign-posting. It might be because it looks like a jeep trail, but I think it might be fear of "Desert Salvage". DS is the notion that anything unused for fifteen years or more is free for the taking...I know of one house whose vigas once supported electric lines. What the hey, that old mercury mine hadn't used electricity in 20 years!

What it is, is, we're gettin' crowded. Too dern many people...

Later, Art