Propane bombs??

Rob Pincus

New member
Maybe I missed something.. but doesn't the media keep referring to a propane tank from a gas grill as a "large Propane bomb" ??

I heard the Sheriff TELL the reporters in attendance that there was NO detenation device on the tank. He made the comment that if there were "other explosions" around the tank, it could've gone up.

What I am getting at, is the complete mis-information campaign the media is one trying to make this horrible thing worse than it is.

The "large calibre automatic Weapons" have turned out to be a sawn off double barrel, a sawn off pump, a tec-nine and an unidentified "carbine" rifle.

The reason that this matters to me is that many people, myself included, will base many of their blame assessments on what facts we are given. Personally, the bomb issue is a big one.. if these kids were making bombs in their homes, real bombs, then I thnk the parents should be in some way held responsible... I mean, I would hope I would notice if one of my kids was building bombs..
My news was saying "35 gal propane tanks, like the kind on BBQ" and they showed a picture of the standard 5 gallon RV tank.

Right now there is a celebrity (the young guy on that CBS Sunday nite Angels show) who is saying that "assault rifles must be assault rifle is not necessary to take a deer, assault rifles are for killing people and thats wrong"

Well, you know what I'm thinking....he obviously doesn't know that all assault rifles are banned. One more none thinking celebrity who has a voice.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC; Its not necessary to be factually correct. The important thing is that they CARE!
It fascinates me that we have had so many so-called liberals come out and admit that this is not a gun control issue.
The problem is that the anti-gunners will surely try to use it againgt us.
I believe that it is coming to a head.The pro-gun folks HAVE to unite(the other guys already have)and fight gun control.

Better days to be,

Light and throw bombs (pipe bombs) and simple booby traps can be made in about 10 minutes on the high side, or so I hear. I had buddies in grade school who made muratic acid bombs on a regular basis. Anybody with a very basic familiarity with chemistry could whip up an explosive in no time.

Watch for gunpowder bans as well. Even if a successful gunpowder ban was implemented, it wouldn't take make much to make your own for non-gun use. A bit of saltpeter, charcoal, and I always forget the last one; mix it up in a bucket, cake and break it and viola!

Maybe they should push for a pipe nipple ban. Pipe nipples would be restricted to threads at no more than one end, no longer than 3inches, and no larger than 3/8 of an inch in diameter.

I have seen the webpage where one of the Trenchcoat Mafia discussed the manufacture of pipe bombs. He specifically mentioned ways to prevent discovery during manufacture and the best places to hide them from discovery by others in the home.
I've got four theories about the "propane bombs".
1. As usual, it's a load of garbage.
2. A "pipe" bomb COULD be built in a propane cylinder, leaving it look unaltered, to excape detection.
3. A conventional bomb could be blown up NEAR a propane cylinder, for incendinary effects.
4. For a really, really big boom, you can use off the shelf stuff to build a fuel air bomb around a propane cylinder. I kind of doubt this is what they meant, though.
Mike in VA hit the nail on the head with sulphur being the third additive to the compound. Now go and compound it yourself.
It is a fairly easy but messy and dangerous process. Plenty of evidence of activity for casual spectators such as "PARENTS" to notice unusual activity going on. Use an empty propane container to hold your explosive mixture or detonate a full container and you have a fairly potenent device. These kids spent some time and money developing field expediant explosive devices and no one ever figured out that they were up to something?
Propane would make a wonderful bomb if you could release the gas before you ignited it.
We don't need to ban chemistry, science, physics do we?
Sorry for the .... Just had to sit in the back yard this afternoon instead of watching the news.
Hank, I usually omit one, just in case some knucklehead is listening/reading. My personal theory is, "If you're not smart enough to figure it out, you probably shouldn't play with it."

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited April 24, 1999).]
While not involved in anything nearly as antisocial as the topic of discussion...I must admit that I was involved in a lot of crap that if discovered, people would have exclaimed,"Surely, his parents must have known!" Spankings mainly had the result of making me very stealthed in action, folks. My parent were good parents, none better. They did not ever find out a tenth of what I was really up to. From outward appearances, I was Mr. Straight Arrow in high school. Bookish, graduated 4th in my class, Royal Ambassadors in the Baptist Church, yada yada yada. The reality of what I was involved in would have shocked my parents and most of my friends. Let me assure you that none of this involved vandalism, violence or coercion.

But this, surely good parents would have known bit! Don't delude yourselves. Your wonderful teenager might be fairly slick. I was.
I don't want to get into this one too deep, but propane tanks are used routinely in much of Europe and the Middle East for cooking. Just about every home has two or more. The Italian slang is "bomba" which means just what it looks like. You buy a couple of tanks so you have a spare when one goes out in the middle of cooking the lasagna. When one is empty, you exchange it for a full one for a small charge for the gas.

Terrorists in those areas often place a dozen or so of these around a charge of explosives in their car or truck bombs. The sheriff is absolutely correct. Set off by other explosives, the things are pure hell. All of this is "common knowledge". There are other ways to use them, but I won't go into that here; too darn much bomb building stuff on the net now.

I think we can look for serious proposals to control the sale and possession of propane tanks.

[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited April 24, 1999).]
Sounds more like "amateurpain" than "propain".

Sigh. On a more serious note, on two occations when I was growing up, I came across old science fiction novels that featured the recipe for black powder as a plot point. One was by H. Beam Piper I think. The thought of actually digging deeper into the subject occured to me but I kinda said "naaaaaa". Both books were written back in the 50s, BTW.

It's probably a side-note here many people's RKBA tendencies were influenced by Heinlein, A. E. Van Vogt, Jerry Pournell and MANY others?

Jim March