Pronunciation question


New member
Maybe I'm being anal here, but I don't believe anyone's ever mentioned to me the pronunciation of Pietta. Is it P-YAY-ta, or P-YET-a, or something else? I'm planning an educational video including weapons of the Civil War ( I'm a school tours guide in Saint Augustine, FL ), and wanted to make sure if there is a proper way to pronounce the word Pietta ( don't want to sound like an idiot.....).
Spent a little time in Italy

Pee ET tah.

An Italian would emphasize the hardness of the "T" almost sounding one "T" at the end of the second syllable and the other "T" at the beginning of the third syllable. An American would gloss over it almost as though the he were pronouncing a single letter "D".

Also an Italian might pronounce the middle syllable with a long "A" like "bay" deemphasizing the first "T":

Pee AY tah.
Ringraziamenti a tutti che ripondano!

(Thanks to all who responded!)

This internet thing's great for looking up foreign words - just not always how to speak 'em properly..... Thanks much, Doc Hoy.
Ringraziamenti a tutti che ripondano!
Here i am:)
Pronounce "Pietta" for me is simple, "pietta" is "pietta" more hard is to explane you how pronounce this word
So, the double T are very important you must pronounce hard them, "pi" i think you can say "Pe" or Pee" but with the "e" short, the "E" sounds normally like your pronounce of A, the final A keep good "Ah" but the "h" is not pronounced:) i think you can try to read this "Peatttah"
So, now i'll gone to search an audio file over the net where the word is clear pronounced:)
now that we have pietta and uberti down, what about "schofield" as in the smith and wesson scholfield. i have always said "SHO-feeld". being part german the "sch" is "sh" as in schultz.
anyone say it different?
I say Skofeeld.

I also say Dayta when referring to information and Stayus when referring to condition... bugs the libs out here in Cali who want to know the stahtus of their dahta. :)