Promoting The Firing Line at the SHOT Show

Thanks to Rob's hard work and quick action we will have about 6,000 pens engraved with available for distribution at the SHOT Show in February.

For those of you who are inclined to promote the site, we are requesting help in making these available. If you have (or know of) a booth at the Show that would be willing to put a box of these giveaways on their counter, kindly email me.
Thanks for your help.
Actually, the key ingredient to the getting the pens was Rich's money. ;)

I hope you guys like pink with daisies... they were on sale.
drop a line to Perer Pi at corbon. his ammo gets a lot of positive play on the firing line. he is a nice guy and might be willing i think


[This message has been edited by olegunftr (edited 01-15-99).]
I would encourage all vendors to BOYCOTT the Atlanta show. Why? That scumbag mayor is quick to jump on the law suit against gun manufacturers but he has no problem with the revenue that a gun show will bring into his city. The show should find another city.
I'm glad to see the effort to promote The Firing Line at the SHOT show.

And, in principle I am in agreement with the frustration of the show being held in one of the cities planning to jump on the antigun law suit bandwagon. But, common sense must prevail about Atlanta. It is barely enough time to look at moving a show of this size for next year. They usually take two to five years to get set up.

To think of it moving on two weeks notice verges on certifiable mental disability (that being my business I'll be happy to arrange accommodations for those that want to pursue that aim). On a more realistic trail, doesn't it seem feasible for the show organizers to make it known to the cities seeking their presence that supporting such a law suit, using taxpayers money to do it, is not the way to bring the SHOT show to their multimillion dollar arenas, convention centers and hotels. That kind of statement can be made this year in Atlanta!

Jim in IN

I discussed this, via a fax conversation, with a friend who is the Media relations manager for a popular handgun company, here are his thoughts:

"City Mayors that sue the Firearms Industry can -for the record- "Kiss my Behind on both Cheeks!". These Mayors- not the citizens or peace officers of these fine cities- should be made to walk the crime filled (not gun filled) streets of their beloved cities at night- alone- with their 2nd Amendment Rights in tow and not our our products in their possession. Survivors (if there would be any) should be interviewed live on CNN as they kiss both cheeks of my ever-reeady patoot!"

(I'll keep his identity secret, so as not to expose the fact that a major industry figure has an "ever ready patoot" ;))

Here are my thoughts on calling for a Boycott:

this post from Rec.guns about a week and a half ago:

Tell the National Shooting Sports Foundation how you feel
about the SHOT show being held in anti- gun cities for the
next two years.

They have held the event in Las Vegas, which has not come out as Anti-gun vey successfully in the past, they could easily go back their for the year 2000 instead of anti-gun New Orleans....

The following ion response to someone criticizing any company that was planning on attending SHOT:

...SHOT Show is too important to the industry to miss out on. Granted, NSSF should change the venue and I would be shocked if the 2000 SHOT is held in New Orleans, as things currently stand.

Certainly, everyone should let NSSF know how they feel ( I have.. ) and make as much noise about it as they can while in Atlanta, but I wouldn't start casting negative comments about the people who participate, since It would require insulting just about everyone who is any way internally important to the industry....

The following is response to someone who supported Casull's backing out of SHOT and called for more companies to do so :)

I wholeheartedly disagree..
Casull is in a unique position in that they have a well established product with few if any competitors. They will likely lose little sales by not being at SHOT. They would make more of a stand by withdrawing their membership from NSSF, or refusing to sell to any dealer who did go to SHOT, now there would be a stand, but that requires losing money... so it probly won't happen.

If Guy A and Guy B both have a similar product and Guy A sees 40k people at SHOT and Guy B "makes a stand".. Guy B may not be in business long enough to be proud of his actions.

Again, I am all for a change in venue, but I don't think companies that rely on SHOT for business will boycott it, nor do I think they should. This is up to the NSSF, and that is where public and industry outcry should be directed, IMHO.

SHOT Show is expensive, I now several "niche" market companies that don't go to SHOT anymore simply because it cost more than any extra sales have ever justified. I could easily see Casull falling into that category. God Bless them for taking advantageof the situation, they'll save money and get good press!'


JJB - glad to see we have some mental health help locally available. We can get a little worked up around here, so it's good to have a forum 'sanity check'. ;)
For What It's Worth, I post the following from the NSSF Homepage:

NEWTOWN, CT -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation has expressed surprise and disappointment at Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell's recent announcement that he will be filing a lawsuit against firearms manufacturers on behalf of the city of Atlanta.

"We have no details of the Mayor's planned lawsuit, but his comments suggest the suit will be similar to those filed by the cities of New Orleans and Chicago," said NSSF's President and CEO, Bob Delfay. "Each of those suits seeks damages from firearms manufacturers for the criminal use of a legitimate and legal product. Not surprisingly, we think it is illogical to sue a responsible manufacturer because a legitimate product made and marketed legally was used in the commission of a crime."

"The Mayor's comments are particularly troublesome coming just a few weeks prior to the 1999 Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT SHOW) at the Georgia World Congress Center," Delfay added. "While we will honor our contract with the Georgia World Congress Center and with our more than 1,400 exhibitors and hold our show in Atlanta as scheduled, Mayor Campbell has clearly made us feel less than welcome in his city."

"We believe that the Mayor may not have a full understanding or a balanced view of our industry, the laws that regulate firearms sales and our strong --and successful--emphasis on safety education. I welcome meeting with the Mayor while the Show is in Atlanta to personally discuss these issues with him," Delfay said.

Dan Graveline, executive director of the Georgia World Congress Center, called the Mayor's announcement, "Unfortunate and ill-timed, at best." The Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau was hoping to convince the SHOT SHOW to schedule three additional shows in Atlanta over the next decade. The SHOT SHOW is the 35th largest show in the nation and those three shows would have brought an estimated $150 million to the city, according to trade show experts.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is a non-profit industry trade group with nearly 1,500 members, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, publishers and sportsmen's groups.[/quote]
Also, FWIW, While I was out of town, NSSF Announced to at least its board members (possibly all memebrs) that the SHOT Show scheduled for New Orlean in 2000 has be cancelled and re-scheduled for Las Vegas.

The top Marketing man at Remington says that there is almost 100% solidarity among the major industry players to support NSSF and SHOT for 1999, especially since appropriate action has been taken for next year.
