Promising shift in 2nd ammendment advocates ?


New member
Here in Sotuhwestern VA so close to the heart of the Virginia Tech shootings. The past two years and especially the last 6 months has seen a VERY large increase in gun sales and applications for CCW permits.

So I wonder , how many of you all feel that this could be the signs of a primal shift in the way Americans in general view guns and gun owning ?

Is it that Americans are taking up the stronger stance to protect themselves and those around them instead of lying in wait and depending on the laws to save them ?

Or do you think it's more of a political fear and money driven Supply/demand spree ?
I think a combination of 9/11, a generation of spoiled tweeners who snap and turn into bloodthirsty homicidal/suicidal sociopaths, and blatantly failed nannystatism is driving people to guns as the final arbiter of self defense.
Plus, many cities, towns, and municipalities are indicating that they may need to cut down on police power and release some inmates from jails as they try to cut costs and meet ever tighter budgets and less incoming tax revenues.

That's not a good situation when the turbulent economy is causing some folks to panic and behave in "uncivilized" manners, as we've seen in the past month.
No change at all.

The country is deeply divided. The vast majority of those buying guns are already gun owners. Very few of those who did not already own guns were actually "anti-", they were just uninterested.

There is no essential shift.
Is it that Americans are taking up the stronger stance to protect themselves and those around them instead of lying in wait and depending on the laws to save them ?
Or do you think it's more of a political fear and money driven Supply/demand spree ?

Yes, and yes.

I saw a guy pick us his brand new Bushmaster with scope the other day at a good friend's gunshop along with a can of ammo. Freddy and I just shook our heads as he jumped into a Prius with his girlfriend- it had an Obama sticker on the bumper. We both agreed, and he sees this everyday, that there has been a shift from many towards the 2nd amendment, and a good bulk of it is fear-driven.
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I don't know that there is a "shift" but I do think fence sitting gun supporters are jumping into the arena. Lots of first time buyers that are getting in to show their support for the 2nd Amendment by actually buying a gun.
I suppose this is what I feel as well. Not so much Anti's but people who at one time either felt they had no need to join in the foray , or people who perhaps at one time was afraid of guns are now beginning to believe more and more in them.

Here are more studies showing that the 2nd amendment is gaining more ground ( which is a sad state as it should never be in question imo )

And yet another :

... Since 2001, most Americans have favored stricter gun laws, though support has slightly dropped in recent years: 54 percent favored stricter laws in 2001, compared with 50 percent in 2007, according to Gallup polling.

Now, a recent poll reveals a sudden drop -- only 39 percent of Americans now favor stricter gun laws, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll....

and lastly an opinion peiece from a Gun supporter:
Primal shift?

I dont think its so much a "primal shift" as it is a reactionary phenomenon
that will peak sooner or later. Most of the folks I know here in Northern
Virginia have been buying semi-s they've always wanted but just didnt
get around to it. I've had a couple of calls from friends who havent owned
a gun before but are worried about food riots, anarchy, terrorists,
whatever, and now they've finally seen the light on home defense matters.
Living in the DC area has its own flavor of potential problems. JMHO.
saw a guy pick us his brand new Bushmaster with scope the other day at a good friend's gunshop along with a can of ammo. Freddy and I just shook our heads as he jumped into a Prius with his girlfriend- it had an Obama sticker on the bumper. We both agreed, and he sees this everyday, that there has been a shift from many towards the 2nd amendment, and a good bulk of it is fear-driven.

Actually, that's not as odd as you might think. Lefty blogs have been advocating arming themselves for some time now.
Here's another wrinkle. As many people are laid off, what types of "separation" packages are they getting? Some folks may be getting some extra cash and as someone above mentioned, they finally have the money to afford something they've always wanted. Just something I thought might be contributing, at least to a small degree, to increased gun sales during and economic slow down. I could be all wet.
Speaking for myself, I have always been a gun and 2nd ammendment supporter. But I'd never owned one myself, my usage was confined to my job in the military. Although I was interested in getting one, I just never got around to owning one. Something else always seemed more important. Finally about a month ago I got off the fence and bought one. Combination of events spurred me on, rising crime, unsure of what will happen to the right of ownership as the political situation changes, my wife encouraged it, etc...After shooting again, I liked it so much I went out and bought another. Maybe I'm representative of the current situation. If that is so a lot of the interest comes from supporters who are becoming more firmly entrenched.
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