ProMag mags for Glocks

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Futo Inu

New member
These are 29.95 most places for G17 (17 rds) & G19 (15 rds). Three questions:

1.Anyone seen these for 40, 45, or 10mm Glocks (hi-cap)?

2. Are they quality/reliable?

3. If one broke down and purchased the USA hi-cap steel mags, is there someone who sells an aftermarket mag release that is not plastic so will not get chewed up by the steel mags?
I got a couple of promag hicaps for my G19 from CTD. They function just fine. Good luck on finding other calibers. I've never seen any advertised...

[This message has been edited by Gino (edited July 23, 1999).]
I'm not sure about the ProMag hi-caps, but I can say this: STAY AWAY FROM THE SCHERER 29-30-33 RD STICK MAGS!!

They say in the ad that they won't damage the handgun"like that other brand (?)";
Being the dear and loving son that I am, I thought it would be a great gift for my Dad for Father's Day. I presented to him the 29 rd .40 S&W magazine and he smiled, grunted like Tim Allen a few times, etc...

Then I went to shoot one evening and took along my Dad's G22 so to test this mag out.
Long story short: Worked OK until about the 19th/20th rd.; guess the heat was affecting something (?). When I returned home and began cleaning all the guns, I noticed two shiny silverish marks on the bottom edges of the GLOCK's slide. They were located across from each other, where the mag would be located in the gun.

The gun itself still works fine; but I'll be damned if I'm not going to say anything about this product or let them roll over on another consumer. Gunowners are not the consumer demographic I would recommend trying to exploit.

Please spread the word so that no one is victimized like I was.

Thanks for your time,

John Coleman
I don't think you were victimized. From the way you describe it I'm not really sure, but that sounds like something that happens on most Glocks, with or without Scherer mags.
I've owned 9 Glocks and they all do this to some extent, with the .40 calibers doing it the most. It will reach a certain point and not get worse. It doesn't hurt anything and Glock knows about it. It will happen with any mags and any load. If you have any doubts or questions, find a Glock armorer and have them check it out. I don't think you have a problem.
I bought some 9mm Pro-mags from Sportsman's Guide about a year ago for a Glock 17/34. They were, um, "interesting"!

1) One mag spit out loaded rounds!
- Put loaded mag in pistol, rack slide, one or two loaded rounds fly out, one loaded round may or may not chamber. Slide may or may not close.
- Get round chambered and fire. Empty is ejected smartly, one or two loaded rounds ejected dumbly. Operator swears loudly. Bystanders point and laugh.

2) One mag loved its little bullets. Wouldn't part with them. Even when requested by slide attempting to go forward. Even when operator applied "push/slap/blows" (with verbal reinforcement) to rear of slide.

3) Some mags held the slide back (on empty) sometimes - maybe. If the slide was locked back when mag was inserted smartly, the slide usually slammed home - sometimes with a round chambered, sometimes not, sometimes only partially home depending upon how many rounds flew out the top or tried to get into the chamber at the same time.

There's more, but the story is too hideous and painful to continue. I had a double-handful of the danged mags. (Quantity discount. Sure wasn't a "quality" discount!)

I knew I couldn't afford factory magazines so I decided to attempt repairs.

I disassembled one mag and found the inside had more curves and bumps than the Rockettes chorus line. I applied some gentle work with a file (a little bastard, I believe) and changed the Jane Mansfield interior into "early Twiggy".

That improved the operation of the magazine to "semi-trustworthy" - good enough for range work and classes. So now I have one hi-cap Pro-Mag that works (three more "under construction").

Would I stake my life on that magazine? No way, buddy! I carry a .45!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 28, 1999).]
LOL, Dennis. Thanks for the info. You wouldn't think it would be THAT hard to duplicate Glock factory mags, which from all reports are 101%.
I've lost trck of how many Promags I have for my G19 and G17. I use them for range time and competition. I have never had any one of them fail in any fashion, not once. I swear by them. I would carry them for defense, but what the heck, I have factory hi-caps, might as well use them.

(heh, heh.) Wanna trade some hi-caps for a G17? Two for one? (evil laugh.. ;)..)

Seriously, I wonder what the difference is (or was).

Did the mags work right away or did you modify them somehow?
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