Project 450 SMC: help pick a platform


New member
Well my Beretta 96FS .357SIG and 4in 686 projects are finaly done, time for the next one right? I'm thinking about building a mid-compact .45 to shoot .45 ACP, .45 Super and the new Triton 450 SMC. What do you guys think would make a good strong, carryable non 1911 platform for the hot-rod 450SMC.
Right now I dont have alot on my list except a Mauser M2 and Glock 30/36...but I already have Glocks 9ame with the 1911)and want this to be unique. the Mauser is unique, but not very customizable. My local gunshop has a very nice Asai One-Pro (dont see many of those around) but its heavy as a brick andpretty much no aftermarket parts. Any help guys? Moderate size and weight, STRONG, and atleast a few custom parts is my only criteria.
I've geared up to do the same thing: I have a Glock 30 with a 19lb spring (I might get a 21 lb depending on how everything goes) and a titanium guide rod, and a fully supported KKM barrel if I want to really rock and roll.

Turbonatr, over at Glocktalk, has been shooting 45 Super through his 30 for quite a while now, and claims not to have any problem with it. I am most interested in how various bullet designs will function at higher then normal velocities. I also think that a .45 bullet with energies in the 10mm range would be the ideal self defense round.

Good luck, just make sure to post you pictures of your gelatin tests with the 450smc.

To get the most out of either the .45 Super or the .450 SMC I'd go with a Glock 21 any day over the G-30. The extra bit of barrel length and grip will help ballistic performance and overall control. But if your goal is big muzzle blast, then sure go for the G30.