Progun Lawyers doing some GOOD! JOIN IN!

This is my song!! Now you're talking!

The link deserves posting:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

Dear armed Americans,

Advertising Creative Director, Jim Houck, working with the Lawyers
Second Amendment Society (LSAS,,
has formed a non-profit corporation for the sole purpose of giving all
American firearms owners, big and small, a way to strike back and
strike back hard against the Rights Killers.
After repeated attempts to work with NRA and GOA, Mr. Houck made the
decision, along with the LSAS, to form an elite commando-style
organization in order to bypass bureaucracy and time-consuming
political red tape and get into the fight. The NRA and GOA have a
role in this fight and are doing all they can and are to be credited
with such. But there is an overwhelming need for an operational group
which can strike fast, strike hard and strike without fear of
political reprisal. This is such a group.
Every dollar received will go into extremely aggressive advertising,
TV, print, radio, outdoor and guerilla, with a single purpose, to
destroy those who are tampering with 2nd Amendment freedom. This
campaign will not be apologetic, it will not play fair, it will hit
below the belt whenever the opportunity presents itself, it will not
take prisoners. In short, it will be very aggressive and very
There are some people out there who would like to get into the fight,
but for career reasons or political reasons cannot. Here is your
chance. There are many who would like to get into the fight, but have
no way of doing so. Now you can take a swing directly at the teeth of
people like Chuck Schumer, impeached-President Bill Clinton, Sarah
Brady, you name it.
The campaign will be created and managed by Creative Director, Jim
Houck, a career advertising professional who has done work for
bluechip clients like Toyota, DIESEL Jeans, Mitusibishi, Procter &
Gamble, Sony, The Miami Heat Professional Basketball Team and Sunglass
Hut International, to name a few.
The company has been created by and will be managed by attorney Dan
Schultz of the LSAS.
Creative campaigns are in progress and will be operational as soon as
a budget has been amassed and media buys can be made.
Please make copies and forward to all concerned parties.

PMB 447

In the memo section of your check write 'Operation We the People'.

As you may have noticed, we have purposely located in the heart of
enemy territory.
Already I have been asked what my response will be to those who
question my advertising on the grounds of political correctness.
Considering that 'political correctness2' is a ten dollar way of saying
'censorship', my official response is, screw'em.

Going to war,

Jim Houck
Creative Director, Los Angeles

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

The link in your post takes me to a "404 not found".

I went to LSAS site, and they have nada regarding this guy.

Does anyone have any hard data or evidence that this gent is legit? This is the approach I've been bitching about to NRA for years. We need to be proactive, not continually on the defense and backpedaling!

Anyone with info, please post and/or Email me. I'd like to share my retirement check with this bunch! ;)

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
I Emailed LSAS re: Is this legit? This AM I got a note from Dan Shultz affirming that it is, indeed, legit. The url "We the People was not available, so it will read : "Citizens of America".

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
i like what i read. might actually send them some money! this is the kind of fight that i would expect the nra, goa, and other gun right orgs. to do, but haven't. these folks sound like they're going to fight like i'd think it ought to be done, b***s to the wall!!! anymore info would be appreciated.

this is my first post,i will keep it brief.i do not know if i registered correctly,this is my third attempted post.i met jim houck,he is not my friend i think he is pro gun in the extreme.i will elaborate if this post is posted
well my post was posted,i will now eleborate on jim houck.i heard him speak at a local nra meeting in culver city in about may or june of this year may have seen the advertisement at turners outdoorsman,it shows a chalk outline of a human body on a sidewalk and a message to join nra.i believe he was the brains behind that.he claims to be a successful advertising guy.he claims that advertising can turn our current sad state of affairs around and he wants to do that.he talked very pro rkba.if he is genuine i believe he may have contacts in advertising that might be of use to our point of veiw. i think we need progun advertising. he impressed me enough that i am sending him some money.
well my post was posted,i will now eleborate on jim houck.i heard him speak at a local nra meeting in culver city in about may or june of this year may have seen the advertisement at turners outdoorsman,it shows a chalk outline of a human body on a sidewalk and a message to join nra.i believe he was the brains behind that.he claims to be a successful advertising guy.he claims that advertising can turn our current sad state of affairs around and he wants to do that.he talked very pro rkba.if he is genuine i believe he may have contacts in advertising that might be of use to our point of veiw. i think we need progun advertising. he impressed me enough that i am sending him some money.
Another update:
This organization is now linked to the LSAS website at: I've been in communication with LSAS about this, and I'm convinced enough to send 'em $50. I'll try to link, but I'm not real computer wise...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...