Problems with my new 700 Varmint


I'm new to the forum, but there seems to be good info here so i thought that i'd post my question. I bought a new 700 ADL Varmint. I can not for the life of me get it shoot a group. Both my brother and I have tried, we are experienced shooters, so I'm sure it's the rifle. I have tried two different scopes, two sets of mounts, check the tightness on all mount screws and the bottom bolts also, they all seem to be set right. A little about what the rifle is doing... When the scopes first go on, I fire a round and make the necessary adjustment. The second round will go in the expected area of the adjustment. But the following next few rounds move up and right (up to 5" at 100 yds). After going down to the 100 yard mark and looking closer at the target and then returning (rifle has cooled), the strike of the round goes back down towards the original intended area and moves back up and right on the following shots. So my thoughts are that it has something to do with the cheap stock. But i'm not certain and would love some feedback. If i am correct, how is Remington about fixing this problem. I know the adl is not best rifle they make, but it is the same barreled action just on a cheaper stock. 5 MOA is certainly not acceptable and I'm sure they realize that. Any comments would be appreciated, let me know if you need some more info to help my diagnose this, i'd be happy to provide it.
You can call Remington or return to the vendor. I have delt with Remington a couple times and they were very helpful including sending me a part for free that I admitted I broke. I think you are correct about the stock being the issue. Is the barrel free floating? Use a dollar bill and run it between the barrel and stock, it should be able to go almost to the action.
The way you describe it, it sounds like you need to free float your barrel. The cheap ADL stock is probably heating up and has a pressure point from the stock.
What bullets are you shooting?

My 700 varment has a 1:12 twist and it wont shoot heavy bullets worth a hoot but has no problems with 52-55 grn bullets.

According to the army test, heavy bullets out of a 1:12 loose it about 87 yards. (M16a1).

Before you do anything make sure you are using the ammo that fits your twist.

Fast twist will shoot light to heavy bullets, slow twist wont shoot heavy twist.

I'm pretty sure your remington has 1:12 (maybe 1:14).
A buddy of mine had a 700 in 243 that acted like the one the OP has. The shots, after the first one, strung vertically in a 1 o'clock direction. the stringing was rather extreme. I floated the barrel for him, but that didn't change a thing. All I could figure was that he had a bad barrel. I wish I could pass on what he did to fix the problem, but his fix was to sell the rifle.
I just called Remington and they have suggested that this is completely normal and acceptable. They say that i just need to let the barrel cool with every shot. This is unbelievable, any suggestions?
I just called Remington and they have suggested that this is completely normal and acceptable. They say that i just need to let the barrel cool with every shot. This is unbelievable, any suggestions?

I would try calling again. You may get a different CS rep who is willing to help more. If not, ask for a manager or supervisor. There is no way that being required to let the barrel cool fully between each shot is "normal and acceptable." If that were the norm for Remington rifles, they would no longer be in business.
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SO i called back and talked to another rep. He agreed that it was unacceptable and is emailing me info on sending it back for a look. This leaves with a new question, if i am planning to replace the stock, should i just go ahead and order the stock (h-s precision) and have my smith bed it, or should i send this one back to be looked at. I figure it could be a month turnaround until i get it back if i send it to remington. If the stock is the only problem, it may not be necessary, any thoughts?
A H-S won't need bedded.

Order new stock, install it, problem should go away.

If not, reinstall old stock, send it in.

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I was just reading somewhere else that the hs doesn't need bedding. Thank you for that head's up. And i like your idea, think i'll go that route.
Look at the crown with a magnifier it might be damaged. A friend of mine bought a new Remington 700 (22-250). He showed it to my brother before he took it out shooting and the crown was jacked up. A Remington Rep at the
store exchanged it for another rifle.