Problems with American Ammunition brand ammo

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I've seen American Ammunition brand ammo mentioned in a few posts of late, so I thought I'd start a thread dedicated to the subject. Here is my story about American Ammunition:

I purchased 650 rounds of .45 ACP American Ammunition brand for my new P220. Decided I’d break in the pistol with the stuff. I experienced a malfunction once every 10 rounds or so (usually a failure-to-go-into-battery malfunction.) I thought maybe the pistol just needed more breaking in. After 300 rounds or so (still having the malfunctions) I became suspicious of the gun, thinking maybe it needed a visit to Sig. Then I read this.

I performed the following unscientific test: I removed the barrel of my P220 and inserted some of the American Ammo rounds into the chamber. I then inverted the barrel to see if they would slide out freely. I tested 100 rounds this way. 20 out of the 100 tested would not fall from the chamber when the barrel was inverted, and one was too long to fit in the chamber. All rounds felt tight when inserting them into the chamber. I performed this same test with other ammo (Cor-Bon, PMC) and all their rounds slipped right in and slipped right out.

A friend of mine used 9mm American Ammunition in a recent shooting class. His class was mostly an exercise in malfunction clearing with his heretofore reliable Glock 19.

Anyone else have comments about American Ammunition?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I bought some 2 years ago in 9mm. My Browning Hi Power and Firestar loved the first batch I bought.(100 rounds) I bought another 100 rounds a few weeks later with pretty much the same result. Last year I bought a bubble pak of .38 Special. One of the 50 would not chamber in my Smith model 19-3, an older pinned and recessed 19. The same round chambered in my new Smith model 66. I won't buy anymore of it simply because of the lack of conformity in rim thickness of the .38 rounds. I figured if they couldn't get something that simple correct, who knows what's hidden inside the round. I did save the brass from the first 2 batches to reload, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Looks like my best bet is to throw the brass away. Or maybe hang on to it in case I need some "Y2K Peso's" ;)

CCW for Ohio action site.
I'm sorry but please clarify...are we talking "American Eagle" by federal or just "American"...(which I have never heard of) thanks SDnR :)

[This message has been edited by Stopdropnroll (edited September 28, 1999).]
The brand name is "American Ammunition". The headstamp says "AMERC".

It is not American Eagle.

It comes in clear plastic clamshell packages.

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited September 28, 1999).]
I'm an avid reloader and have this comment about the AMERC - the flash holes in the brass is all over the primer pockets and is seldom centered. I've reloaded the brass and it has fired reliably, but I've discarded the brass when the flash hole is so off-centered that it touches the side of the primer pocket. I'm wondering what type of equipment they must be using - something along the line of a bunch of kids sitting on the sidewalk with hammers and nails punching flash holes in the brass....
I bought 1000 rounds of American in .45 acp. Before I got through 500 rounds, I had experienced TWO squibs. I was lucky, the first squib was so short in the barrel that the gun wouldn't go into batery becuase the next round wouldn't fully chamber; the second squib failed to cycle the slide, alerting me to a possible problem. Bear Arms in Scottsdale AZ exchanged the other 500 rounds for something else.

I've been reloading the American brass. It works, but it has a rough surface compared to other brands, and yes, the flash holes are all over the place.
I put 150 rds of .45ACP from American through my SIG P245. Zero (0) malfunctions. I saved the brass since I plan to start reloading. Guess I'll throw away the ones that are just tooo bad.

Scary to hear that it may be corrosive. Fortunately I'm a neat-freak when it comes to keeping my babies clean ;) so my 245 was cleaned as soon as I got home from the range. My barrel should be Ok, right? Right? :(

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
I`ve shot over 1000 rounds of American thru both my 9mm`s and several hundred 38`s in my 686. Never had a problem.

It`s not the most accurate stuff around, but the price is right.
Kinda reinforces my view on the stuff to read all the above posts. At best it's inconsistant, at worst, it's downright dangerous. The first batch I had was exceptionally accurate (9mm), either that or I had a couple of real good days where I could do no wrong.

Calm down. If, and I say If the stuff is/was corrosive, you no doubt cleaned it well enough. I'm not sure any US based mfg would use corrosive primers in their product. The cost of them might actully be higher than non-corrosive primers at the bottom line. The stories are prob just that, stories, told to explain why it is so cheap. Course we all know that McD's used worms in their Big Mc's at one time right? (That was a circa CB radio era tale, spread by who knows to hurt Big Mc' sales. Funny thing is the per pound price of earthworms was something like 4 times that of ground sirloin)

CCW for Ohio action site.
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