Problems getting Ruger products?


New member
I ordered a 3" SP101 a few days ago and received a call from the shop I ordered it from. They said that none of the distributors they normally use (2) have them in stock. He said he could get one from a 3rd distributor if I didn't want to wait, but it would be $30 more. I told him I could wait.
I saw in another post below that someone mentioned that his distributors don't have any 3" GP100s in stock.
I wonder what gives? Anybody know?
the 3" inch gp100 is typically not a stock item on store shelves unfortunately. I think it is the best of them. I had my dealer order one and it took just short of a week to get. the thinking seems to be gp100 to heavy for ccw so dont carry short barrel and sp101 2" better for ccw so dont carry the 3". this is of course just the dealer's guessing what they can sell based on what they think will be more practical in the market. The consumer misses out on these good gun designs because they simply arnt aware they are available. The 3" gp for example may be too large for most for ccw but do to its sleeker fixed sight frame which allow it to be even less unweildly than larger 4" and 6" adjustable sighted counter parts make it a great alternative choice for home defense and range time. Dealers dont think this way.:(
I've been keeping an eye out for about a month, and the 3" GP100 is impossible to find.

I've seen one 3" SP lately, most of them seem to be the 2-1/4" model.

No love for the 3-inchers! :(
The only thing you may need to do to obtain these ruger handguns is have a good dealer order one from ruger, give him a deposit and wait a few days. as stated in my post above.:D its well worth it. again the 3" gp is a jewel.
Cool, I guess they're out there, just need to be patient. That 3" GP is sure nice. Just looks right. :cool:
Gp-100 3"

Guess what! I put a GP100 w/ half shroud on layaway last week. Now I shall get the Wolff spring kit, Nill grips(RU0391). The shop had two three incher GPs, one blued and the short shroud model. $430 and $420 respectively(sp). At any rate, those GP100s with the 3" pipe are out there, go find em!

LH2 pm sent.