Problem aiming a Glock..


New member
I rented a Glock 27 .40 at the range last night to see how it felt. I want to get a model 29 10mm but the range didn't have any for rent so I settled on the 27 since it was the closest in feel. I know the 10mm will recoil harder, though.
I've never shot a Glock before and here's my problem:
Every time I aim at the target the gun automatically turns itself sideways in my hand before I pull the trigger, no matter how firmly I gripped it. I tried shooting left and right handed but it was like the gun had a mind of it's own, instictively turning my hand gangsta style. What can I do to remedy this?
Seriously though I really liked how it felt, it fit my hand pretty good. I can't wait to get my 29 2 weeks from now. For those in the Washington DC area, Atlantic Guns in Silver Spring, MD and Rockville, MD will be hosting a 2 day event they call "Glock Days" on March 3 and 4. Glocks will be at special sale pricing and they will be raffling off a free Glock. I'll post details in the Retail Deals section of the forum.
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I love my Glock. I shoot it better than just about any CCW gun I've ever owned (except 1911). I can't really relate to what you're describing other than when I was initially getting used to the trigger pull and grip angle (grip angle may be contributing to your problem). But once I went through 100 rounds of ammo it all came together for me. Keep working at it and remember that *perfect* practice makes perfect. :-)

All the best,

I have a 27 and experence some muzzle flip(muzzle up and down/ wrist stays still) but never noticed any "roll". Not knowing your experience leval I'd reccomend finding an experienced shooter to evaluate your grip of the weapon.

For me, I have switched from a military "cup and saucer" grip to using a fist grip with the nonfiring index finger on the front of the triggerguard.
(Usually I catch sarcasm...)

Well Inthat case I think you should invest in the Birdman Weapon Systems(BWS) Sights for the Glock. Fobus is introducing a BWS compatable paddle holster in Spring 2004.
Practice practice practice. Try just holding it while unloaded, doing so with your eyes closed in position as well as just holding it by your side. Get a feel for putting the gun in your hand, forget targets or stance. Most of all, stop thinking about the gun turning... if you think it, it will happen. Lastly, loosen your grip. Don’t squeeze the thing like its going to slip out of your hand. Do all this practice with an easy hand.

I guarantee that if you spend 10-20 minutes a day doing this, you'll be cured in a week.

Dry fire practice.
High grip.
Dry fire practice.
Put that [support] index finger where it will do some good - in front of your middle finger on your strong hand.
Dry fire practice.
Learn the "Short trigger reset".
Dry fire practice.

Did I leave anything out??

Oh, yeah, Dry fire practice :)
Its OK 1bad, I got it.

My G19 does the same thing sometimes, when I'm done firing I find my hat spun sideways on my head and my flannel shirt completely unbuttoned except for the top one.

I tried the prone shooting idea my self and found that my entire body would move. on tummy first shot, left side second shot, back 3rd shot, right side 4th shot, and back to stomach for the 5th. This really seemed to anger the people at the range because I used 3 firing points...but that was for safety so I didn't knock anyone down. I couldn't hear anyone complain because I left my car in the parking lot with the radio really loud so I could dance between shots.

<--Joke, I drive a truck.

I like to pull my bling-mobile into the range really fast, run inside and see how many rounds I can get off before my rims stop spinning. :D