probably everyone here ought to read this.

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I'm approaching sixty, and I still have what I call "DUHH!" moments. Moments when I realize that I've been so dense that I want to hit myself. Moments when I realize that something I've been doing forever was just plain foolish, misguided, naive, so forth.

what were some of my recent "duhh" moments?

I finally threw away the uggliest coffee cup I own, my mother in law gave it to me, and god, every time I saw it i cringed.

I finally relocated that light switch that has been at the wrong end of the room for almost a century.

I used wasp spray instead of a broom.

I stopped buying store brand coffee.

i started wearing eye protection when weed eating or using other power tools, I started carrying my cell phone everywhere, I started wearing underwear every time I left the house.

Places like this are one of the best places ever to learn about your personal "duhhh" moments. Don't point your pistol at the dog when you dry fire for practice. Keep your powder dry. don't bring out the beer until the guns are in the cases. Don't swat a hornet's nest with a baseball bat. don't tell your wife that her butt looks like a chunk of goat cheese.

I learned decades ago to look for "duhhh" behaviors. Call it a quest for personal improvement. Everyone on the planet should do this. Of course, sometimes the "duhh" moments come looking for us, no matter how carefully we plan, such as when I left the $30 bag of grout in the dampest area of the garage for over a month.
Tex, there is a really great story behind the wasps. I guess that lots of people have stories about them, but mine should be on television.
Just had one of those moments earlier this month when I figured out that I could eliminate the flaky skin on my face by applying lotion every morning. With that revelation and a few adjustments to my technique, I finally feel that I've mastered the art of shaving/grooming after thirty-five years. :)

I've gotta give Headblade and Dorco some credit. Their products have made that possible.
So far, these are the only gun-related items I see:
briandg said:
Don't point your pistol at the dog when you dry fire for practice. Keep your powder dry. don't bring out the beer until the guns are in the cases.
That being the case, I'm closing this one as off-topic.

From The Rules:
1. All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues.
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