Pro-Mag ruger clips


New member
Does any one know how reliable the 15 rounders are? I have their Glock mags and love them and would like to get some cheap mags for plinking.
I have a couple of 15 rounders for my P95 and they seem to work real well. I can't give a long term evaluation as I haven't had them very long and I don't keep them loaded. I only use them at the range.
I've found its a mixed bag. I have 3 that I ordered at the same time. One has always been very reliable, one gave me problems at first but cleared up after use, and the third has always been a piece of junk.
For Ruger the Pro-mags are O.K. the feed is not as smooth as factory or Mec-gar but they sem to work and even Pro-mags seem to be geting scarce...I'd pick up a few while you still can.. ( Oh yah you may have to smooth up the plastic follower so it does not get stuck in the magazine release cut out...)

IZZY :cool:
I just ordered an 8-round Ruger P-90 clip from pro-mag, I will let you'all know how it performs when I get a chance to test it at the range ;)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
swatman, can you load 8-rounds into the pro-mag magazine you have? I ordered one and all I could load is 7-rounds onto the Pro-mag clip. Is it lack of use or do I have to adjust something on the clip. They do work fine when I fire the clip in my P-90, but I cannot load and eighth round onto the Pro-mag.

They told me,"throw down your guns, return to the earth...HAH! time enough for the earth in the grave". -EDA

"Giving up is not in my vocabulary". -EDA

"Do not fear the governments, that fears you". -EDA
I have 4 pro mag 15 rounders for my Ruger P89, and have had more problems with all of them than I care to think about......maybe they are garbage, maybe I got a bad batch but 4 for 4 tells me I wont buy promags for my ruger any more.
Just my 2 cents...

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