Pro Gun Student Rally

I wish them luck; but trying to compete by rallies is having the fight on the enemies’ ground. For one, we aren’t trying to build a grassroots movement or astroturf one. We are a grassroots movement.

A rally doesn’t vote or donate money to campaigns. It is just a show for the press; but the press is under no obligation to cover it and routinely fails to cover rallies for causes they don’t support, especially ones that don’t have multiple billionaire backers and full-time press agents.

And since nobody is likely to be donating free Delta flights or bus rides and facilities, the people hosting this rally will not only have to pay their own way; but they’ll have to pay the city for security, toilet facilities, permits, etc. They won’t be paying homeless people to join the protest. These factors alone pretty much insure the counter-rally has smaller numbers and looks unimpressive if the press does show up.

The other use of a rally is to get people who are on the fence to come out so you can identify them and target your message to them so that they will vote and donate money. However, without a Daddy Warbucks financing it, the only people who show up tend to be the same people already voting and donating time and money.

However, if we are going to have that fight the make then rally fun! Everybody likes a good time. Panem et circenses.
More power to him. I think it's great that so many young people are getting involved these days. I've shared this on my FB page. Maybe y'all can do the same.