Pro-gun Rallies this Saturday - Will you stand up or sit out?


New member
This will be the last post on this subject for a while, as this set of rallies will be conducted this Saturday, August 21st.

If you haven't checked into it yet, go to for the list of supporting states and attendance information.

There are a lot of people crossing state lines because their home state did not have anyone to lead a rally there. If your state is not listed, contact Glenn or Justin for late-breaking information from other states. Some have just come on-line recently.

You can't win if you dopn't play!

See you at the rallies! RKBA!

Im glad you reposted that, Ive been trying to work up an interst among people i know and none of them had heard of it until I brought it up.......its not posted in any gun store, and as far as I know has not made it to the tenn firearms association bb.....I did contact the state leader and am waiting for a response....fubsy.
Thanks for keeping this going, guys.

I was in contact with one of the people that started up the TFA group a while ago, so they should know about it. I think that was on the Shooters board, though.

"For evil to triumph, it is necessary only that good men do nothing."

Don't know who the quote came from, but it is very appropriate.

See you at the Rallies! RKBA!

Todd Fangmeier


"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to
enslave them." George Mason, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).
There are 3 types of people in this world, Anti-Gun, Pro-Gun, and "won't-get-off-my-arse-Gun." Just cause you own a gun or two and post here, that does not make you Pro-Gun. If you do not make your voice heard, if you do not stand up for what is rightfully yours, than what good are you to the cause?
What are you doing Saturday that is more important than this? Are you going to go shooting? By yourself? If not in a State Capital, than fight for your right somewhere, somehow, and make sure someone hears you.
I got my response back from my state leader....Ill try and paraphrase....: basically nothing's been planned were just to show up, .....I hope the word is going out., I asked the guy about posters or notices being put up and he just referred me to the site were the original info is.........I dont expect will have much of a turn out......fubsy.
I haven't even heard back from my state leader. I'm keeping hope alive that this will work out, but it appears CT is not organized either.
Regards to posts above:

CT is having a large rally, as far as I know.
Are you in contact with Larry at <> ?He is hte CT contact person.

FL contact fell through, I don't know why, but we'll keep trying.

Keep the faith, guys. We have to keep fighting the good fight.


Todd Fangmeier


"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to
enslave them." George Mason, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).
Todd Fangmeier,
I've emailed the specified person, but no reply. Can you give me a phone number ot reach Larry? Here at work my web server sucks, and can not get onto the March home page. I'd rather know what I am doing rather than just drive up to Hartford.
Thanks in advance,
Marc Duquella