Pro Gun Organizations?

Prof Young

New member

With the NRA teetering a bit (a lot) I find myself wondering what other pro gun groups there are out there that I can support if the NRA falls.

I already belong to Guns Save Lives, a pro gun group here in IL.

What else is out there.

Life is good.
Prof Young
The national orgs that I know of are the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Gun Owners of America (GOA), and Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). I think SAF and CCRKBA might be two different names for the same org because they have the same leadership. They all have their strengths and their warts. I support SAF. Also check your state organizations, like the Illinois State Rifle Association (I know nothing about the ISRA except they exist)
Another vote for, (in order of preference) the SAF, GOA, CCRKBA, and the FPC.

One that I (personally) would not support is the National Association of Gun Rights (NAGR).
I was super impressed by the action of the VCDL when BA was trying to pass a AWB. I’ve been hoping they would nationalize their concept under a USCDL (or similar name).

Otherwise, while they aren’t firearms specific, the CATO institute has done more for individual gun rights in the past 20 years than the NRA has.
If the NRA fails, I seriously doubt any of the others will stand.

And the quote "One that I (personally) would not support is the National Association of Gun Rights (NAGR)." I agree with. I would not support them at all.
Prof young

I've often wondered the same thing..

But what's the deal with NAGR?

I don't recall that name/ group..
Twinsig said:
But what's the deal with NAGR?

I don't recall that name/ group..
The NAGR is Dudley Brown's own, personal cash cow. They solicit funds, and try to take credit for what other gun rights organizations accomplish.
The NAGR is Dudley Brown's own, personal cash cow.

Yep. I've had...conversations with their Georgia rep.

Thing is, I have the same opinion of GOA. Aside from sending out angry email blasts, I'm not aware of anything else the organization has achieved besides lining the pockets of the Pratt family.
As a Texan I am a life time member of the TSRA, Texas State Rifle Association.

By being a member this too fulfills the requirements to buy from the CMP.
Yep. I've had...conversations with their Georgia rep.

Thing is, I have the same opinion of GOA. Aside from sending out angry email blasts, I'm not aware of anything else the organization has achieved besides lining the pockets of the Pratt family.
That's my impression of GOA also, although I think they have participated in a few good lawsuits. (don't know if they were the lead in any of them) I don't pay much attention to them so I might have missed something. I'm hoping when their "The NRA sucks!" message runs out of steam, GOA might help take up the slack.

Some people might have a similar opinion of Alan Gottlieb.
zxcvbob said:
Some people might have a similar opinion of Alan Gottlieb.
Whatever you think about Alan Gottlieb, the SAF got us Heller, The NRA opposed filing the suit -- and then tried to take credit for it when Heller won.
Is EVERY organized institution in America corrupt nowadays?
The NRA eventually stopped begging me for donations, unfortunately the type of paper they, and others use, is not applicable to my daily needs!
GOA and ISRA. If you live near NE IL, you may want to look into a range membership as well. IMO, it's what ASC wanted to become when they moved out to the middle of nowhere.
In Illinois there is also IL State Rifle Association (ISRA - not a subdivision of NRA). They currently have a lawsuit pending in Federal court over the backlog of FOID/CCL approvals.
Another good resource is Illinois Carry. They are astounding at providing up to date (at times hour by hour) information regarding active 2A politics in Illinois.
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