Pro- Gun Organizations


New member
Just a question--- Every day in the news we hear about the NRA. There are so many other fine pro-gun folks out there like RKBA & JPFO. I may soon pick one out and be a member. Why do you 'spose the antis appear to worry less about these folks? Is it just their lower profile? I have a theory--JUST a theory. In the case of the JPFO-- could it be the antis-- hypocrites that they are-- are trying to be politically correct by not attacking a group with connection to a religion? If so, why don't we all join? Or why can't we get these groups together as a coalition? That seems to be what the antis do. Any thoughts?

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
I dunno about JFPO. I like their Mad Dog approach to things, and G-d knows, if anybody should be pro-gun, it would be the Jews.

But, once I emailed them re: the propriety of wearing the yellow Star of David with the words "Gun owner" or "NRA member" on it. Never heard a word, so wore it anyway to a gun show.

I ordered their "Gateway to Tyranny" and the "Raise Your Right Hand" T-Shirt. Never a letter of acknowledgment -- the stuff just showed up three weeks later unannounced.

I get the feeling that it's a one-man operation, or, pretty close to that. So, while I fully agree with their philosophy (Never Again!), I don't place much faith in them influencing the General Public to any degree.

The Second Amendment Foundation is a good choice -- at least they are out there in the trenches making the local antis sweat.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I think you're right - I think the JPFO is a pretty small operation. I joined, but I'm not going to worry about a lot of money wasting attention.

I think the different groups have slightly different priorities, so coalition work seems uncommon. But, perhaps others with more experience can give you a better perspective.

tatters, with all due respect, consider joining more than one organization. I ran a small nonprofit for awhile, and I assure you, the politicians always want to know how many members you have. So, consider joining the NRA, GOA, SAF, JPFO, and LEAA - the base, annual dues are usually pretty modest. Then you can check on local organizations - for example, in AZ we have Brassroots and the AZ State Rifle & Pistol Association.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 11, 1999).]
The media focuses on the NRA consistently to demonize as many gun owners as possible and stay PC. JFPO is great. It is less polished than the NRA, but their thoughtful pamphlets are very useful. I have made good use of everything I've gotten from my membership. I have a slightly different take on the coalition idea. What if more 2nd Amendment groups popped up with ethnic identities? Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, ect. ,all have a large number of pro gun constituents despite what we are told. We don't really separate, we cross join all memberships among ourselves. Yet we drive the establishment and the media nuts because "minorities" are demanding an individual right instead of a collective dependency.