pro-gun leaders win key, though symbolic, victory


New member
Shoot Out On Capitol Hill Results In Conflicting Messages
--but pro-gun leaders win key, though symbolic, victory

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

(Friday, September 24, 1999) -- Supporters of gun rights in the
House of Representatives charged the floor today with an arsenal of
high-powered arguments in defense of 2nd Amendment liberties. Led
by Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA), pro-gun Republicans defied their
leadership in presenting an extremely cogent case in defense of our

"It's not the right of the army," Doolittle roared. "It's not the
right of the National Guard." The Second Amendment "says 'the right
of the people'-- [it's] an individual right."

Doolittle cited constitutional authorities from James Madison to
Laurence Tribe in making his point that the Second Amendment
protects an individual right. He also quoted the highly acclaimed
Dr. John Lott in making the simple point that "more guns equal less
crime," as he waved a copy of Lott's new book for the cameras.

GOA On The Front Lines

In anticipation of this floor fight, lobbyists from Gun Owners of
America yesterday provided pro-gun offices with dozens of
self-defense incidents from this year alone. Pro-gun Rep. Helen
Chenoweth (R-ID) took the list and read self-defense example after
example on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

"The stories go on and on," Mrs. Chenoweth concluded. "In fact, a
1997 Clinton Justice Department study found that as many as 1.5
million people use a gun in self-defense every year."

The anti-gun side could offer no rebuttal to this point.
Regardless, they remained entrenched in opposing the motion made by
Rep. Doolittle. His motion instructs House negotiators to drop any
provision that infringes on the 2nd Amendment rights of
individuals-- provisions like the ban on private sales at gun shows,
which can only be surmounted by the buyer's submitting to a
background registration check; a new gun ban for young adults; an
import ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds; etc.

The Doolittle motion passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 337-73.
Also, an earlier motion instructing the conferees to work every day
until they reach an agreement on the crime bill was narrowly
defeated. However, representatives then sent a "conflicting"
message when they voted to instruct the conference members (241-167)
to include gun show registration checks in the final version of the
bill. The latter motion, offered by Zoe Lofgren of California,
directly contradicts the Doolittle motion. While contradictory
messages are not unique on Capitol Hill, one should realize that all
of the motions were non-binding. The conferees could report a gun
bill out of committee as early as next week, or not at all if
sufficient opposition from gun owners is heard.

GOP And Democratic Leaders United In Their Support For Gun Control

Republican leaders like Rep. Bill McCollum (R-FL) took the floor to
explain that he and many other members of the House want to impose
the instant registration check at gun shows. House Judiciary
Chairman, Henry Hyde (R-IL), also echoed similar opinions yesterday.

On the Democratic side, the anti-gunners were led by Rep. Lofgren
(D-CA). She argued that the 2nd Amendment does not protect an
individual right, and that the anti-gun crime bill which is
currently in conference does not conflict with the Second Amendment.

ACTION: Please thank those members of Congress who spoke up so
eloquently in the defense of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and
bear arms. They are Representatives Doolittle, Chenoweth, Roscoe
Bartlett (R-MD), and John Hostettler (R-IN).

Contact Info:

House of Representatives
Ph: 888-449-3511 or 202-225-3121

Rep. John Doolittle (CA-4th)
Ph: 202-225-2511
Fax: 202-225-5444

Rep. Helen Chenoweth (ID-1st)
Ph: 202-225-6611
Fax: 202-225-3029

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (MD-6th)
Ph: 202-225-2721
Fax: 202-225-2193
No e-mail

Rep. John Hostettler (IN-8th)
Ph: 202-225-4636
Fax: 202-225-3284

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will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
Excellent, indeed.

To those who said that Prof. Tribe's pronouncement was too late and meant nothing, what say you now?
I sat and watched the full coverage on C-SPAN today, I was mighty proud of Mr. Doolittle's stance!

Happiness is a tight group!
Great news. Anybody know if Doolittle is related to Gen. Jimmy Doolittle who bombed Tokyo (after taking off from the deck of the carrier Hornet)?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Here's the NRA's take on this, via a fax alert -- interesting interpretation of Hyde's actions.

The House-Senate conference committee continues to try to iron out the differences between each chamber's version of juvenile justice reform legislation passed earlier this year. This week was marked by a number of House-proposed "motions to instruct" conference committee members on how to proceed, which are not binding. Most of these motions have been used for partisan chest-thumping, with the hope of pushing the debate back to the House floor and into the media spotlight, rather than in the conference committee where it belongs. However, a motion by U.S. Rep. John Doolittle (R-Cal.) was the clear exception. It called for the committee to recognize that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to arms, and to not impose unconstitutional restrictions on that right. It was passed on an over- whelming bipartisan vote of 337-73. On Thursday evening, U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) blamed Democrats for creating political tension and holding up the committee process, and asked that debate over juvenile justice reform be left to the committee members, as the House and Senate had originally intended. He also stated his support for the Second Amendment. "There is a Second Amendment...that I respect.... It is in the Constitution, and it serves a very useful purpose. Because I would not like to see Americans disarmed because the government sometimes in some cultures and histories becomes the adversary, and I think a protection of freedom is that people can maintain arms."
Debate on this issue will continue, as will procedural and political grandstanding from anti-gun lawmakers, so it is critical that you keep a close watch on the national media during the coming week for any substantive votes, and turn up the heat on your lawmakers when votes on actual legislation are expected. Call the conference committee members considering the juvenile justice legislation, as well as both your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative, to ensure that no anti-gun language is included in the conference committee's final "compromise" legislation. You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your Representative at (202) 225-3121. For contact information on conference committee members, call ILA Grassroots.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Call the conference committee members considering the juvenile justice
legislation, as well as both your U.S. Senators and your U.S.
Representative, to ensure that no anti-gun language is included in the
conference committee's final "compromise" legislation.

What? Pass the TFL Cluebat!

How can you have “compromise” legislation that prohibits people under 21 to own a gun, outlaws certain magazines, etc. without having anti-gun language?

The Indians were right! "White man speak with forked tongue!"

These liars say whatever sounds good at the moment and there are still folks who take their contradictory lies to heart! I can't believe it.

Stick it to’em! RKBA!