pro gun in PA


New member
not sure if this should go in legal and political or general discussion so mods feel free to move it as neccessary.

a couple weeks ago we went shotting as usual at the same field we have been for the past 6 years. about 45 minutes later 2 cops show stating this is private property and we're all getting citations for trespassing and discharge of a firearm within township limits. as much as it sucks to have to pay a fine, have this on my, until now, perfect record, I did get some amusement that the citation says "unlawful discharge not realted to self defense or defense of property."
Do you know who owns the land or have you been trespassing for the past six years?

The Firing Line promotes responsible firearms ownership and that includes responsible use; so don't expect to get much sympathy from the members.

Fair warning... :)
You're fortunate. That could have been a lot worse, for you! Sounds like you need to find an official range and get out of people's private property.
You are lucky the landowner didn't do something, whether legal or not in your area. I have known a few people who shoot at trees and such around trespassing hunters, and there is a judge in WV near Rivermen Rafting who has shot a few drunks and young lovers who wandered off of Rivermen property onto his. He apparently thinks guarding his property is one hell of a way to spend a weekend.
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I'm not expecting sympathy at all, I just was just mentioning the little kick I got of what it said on the citation about the defense of life and property.