Pro Choice (split from Heller)


New member
Moderators Note: This "side" discussion has been split off the main Heller thread so as not to have to delete the posts or close the thread. Antipitas

In the US today, we seem to have a large number of people, typically democrats, who believe that our personal safety and security should be entrusted 100% to the government, including the feds, the states, and the locals. Many people realize, however, that government is not able to protect us 24/7. Thus, we need to be able to have the best tools available to us to protect our lives, our homes, our families, and our property. This includes firearms which include handguns and even those evil black rifles which are semiautomatic versions of their full auto counterparts. This issue revolves around free people being able to choose how to live their lives. Choice is the key word here.

Some people make a choice to not own firearms and rely on the police or other government agents to protect them. Not a wise decision IMHO, but it's their CHOICE.

Other folks want to have the legal "choice" for an abortion. Even if they don't believe in abortion themselves, they'll fight tooth and nail to keep abortion legal so others can have that choice available to them. Many of those same pro choice people are anti gun. They don't want gun owners to have a choice in protecting themselves. The anti's want to force them to rely on the government and its agents to protect them. Remember, the democratic party is pro choice and typically anti gun, even though they don't publicly trumpet the latter anymore. Yet, no where in the bill of rights does it mention anything about the right to have an abortion. This all comes about due to a very broad reading of the right to privacy. OK, fine. But then shouldn't it follow on that under the right to privacy, we should also be able to keep guns in our homes? The founders even codified that right via an amendment to the Bill of Rights. They came up with it as the second amendment, meaning it had to be extremely important in their minds. The right pre existed, and the 2nd A. was penned to protect the right. There is no ammendment protecting the right to have an abortion, but that is a right which many anti gun folks would defend vigorously. I am a little perplexed by this.

The tyranny of the majority is one reason that the Bill of Rights was written. We are not a democracy. Our founders understood the danger that democracies can present to a free society, one where personal, individual rights are held sacrosanct, as our founders believed they should be. We may have a majority in this country that would vote in a heartbeat to ban handguns and so called "assault weapons" because they believe or "feel" it would make them safer. They have a choice in our free society, to shun firearms. That's there business. They do not have a choice to suspend a right which is protected by an amendment to the Bill of Rights. That is not a choice.

The Heller decision makes that pretty clear. The government, even by popular vote, cannot just ban a class of commonly used firearms unless they can come up with an extremely important justification and it must be as narrowly applied as possible to achieve the desired result. This is the protection that the Second Amendment provides. The Heller decision reaffirmed that. It's a building block to increase our freedom, but not an entire solution by any means. It's also a stumbling block for the tyranny of the majority. They will have to, eventually, vigorously defend any laws they pass that bump up against the Heller decision. The government(s) will be sued, at least hopefully, any time they pass laws that infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms. There are many court battles ahead, but at least we can go on the offense, rather than stay defensive.

We at least no longer have to fight the secondary battle of the right to keep and bear arms being associated only with membership in the National Guard or some other organized state militia. That battle is over and we won.

Now we have to concentrate on taking more ground away from the anti gun people like Mayor Fenty and his henchmen. They are already demonstrating that they intend to keep fighting, but they are without one of their most cherished weapons now. That being the "collective right only" arguement. That weapon was nullified by Heller. It opens the gate for gun rights supporters to move forward and begin taking the battle directly to the enemy. People like Fenty are an enemy. They are an enemy to freedom, which means they are an enemy with regards to the constitution. I would hope they get voted out at some point in time, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that. The other weapon we have to strike at them is the courts. We scored a direct hit with Heller, but there were some survivors. We will strike again. It's quite obvious that Fenty and his army of miscreants are giving the USSC the finger. Like the French in Monty Pythons "The Holy Grail", they are taunting the USSC from behind their walls and farting in our general direction. They will eventually have their walls breached and they will lose their power.
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They don't want gun owners to have a choice in protecting themselves. The anti's want to force them to rely on the government and its agents to protect them.

I think the issue with the people you are referring to is more complex than that. I think it is lack of trust and then fear of normal citizens owning firearms. I don't think anybody other than a true pacifist believes that people should not be able to protect themselves. I think this fear is there because gun owners like many other groups are stereotyped. Unfortunately there is lots of evidence to lend credence to that perception. You only have to read some of the posts of this site particularly on the L&P and T&T forums to get that flavor. The media doesn't help our cause either.

I applaud Tom Gresham and his media presence on radio and TV. I also like the guys on G&A TV and Shooting USA. They are doing a great job showing the public that gun owners are not a bunch of kooky crazies living in a bunker waiting for the end of the world with a Stinger missile ready to go.

A lot of people foolishly think it doesn't matter what the public thinks about gun ownership and that we will get what we want thru the courts or whereever.:rolleyes:

The fact is, public opinion DOES matter and Tom Gresham and others have figured that out and that is why he calls upon us gun owners to confront the media lies and distortions. I think that Heller was decided in our favor is in large part because of the legal scholarship and work done by many organizations since the 1970s to win the war of ideas in the public market place. I think also the rise of senseless violence is also making people see that the police and givernment can't protect them.

Heller was a great fundamental victory but those who think all firearms regulations are going away and Stinger missiles are coming soon to a Wal-mart near you are delusional.

The battle as Alan Gura put it is to change the climate and as Tom Gresham and others say wins the hearts and minds AND the language. We need to confront the lies of gun control and vaccinate others by taking them shooting.
TG posted:

I don't think anybody other than a true pacifist believes that people should not be able to protect themselves. I think this fear is there because gun owners like many other groups are stereotyped.

I don't totally agree with your first sentence in this quote, but I do agree with the second one. I have met more people than I care to count through friends, co workers, customers, clients, etc., who are not pacifists, but believe that handguns and "evil black rifles" should be banned. Their typical responses are as follows:

1. "handguns are too easily concealed so criminals favor them. They should be banned. You can use a shotgun in your home for defense".

2. "The police are there to protect you. You don't need a gun".

3. "Handguns are not useful for anything but to kill people. That's what they were designed for. They should be banned or severely restricted."

4. "Why would anyone need and assault weapon? How many bullets do you need to shoot a deer with? You'll only make hamburger out of them."

5. "Assault weapons are favored by criminals due to their excessive firepower. They were designed to spray bullets indescriminantly. Most cops are shot with assault weapons".

6. "Who needs more than 6 bullets to defend themselves. Revolvers are OK, but citizens should not have semiautomatic handguns which can hold more than 10 rounds."

7. "I'm fine with shotguns and rifles for hunting, but no one needs an assault weapon".

8. "If you try to use a gun to protect yourself, the criminals will just take it away from you and use it to kill you. The police are trained in firearms use. They should be the ones to protect us".

9. "Criminals will always have the element of surprise. If you pull a gun they will shoot you. It's better to give them what they want and then they'll leave. You have insurance against theft, don't you?"

10. "Keeping a gun in the house will make it more likely that you or a family member will be killed than that you will kill an intruder. The police are there to protect us."

Those are just the top 10 that I could come up with off the top of my head. They are not all exact quotes, but paraphrased from my memory banks. I have heard people that I've met make these types of statements. I understand that some of them are just reguritations of statements they've heard other "anti gun" folks make on TV or radio or on a website somewhere. However, they have internalized those statements and that is how they now "feel".
Not to highjack the thread or anything, but that top ten list is a fine reference. Anyone attempting to argue guns with a gun-grabber should have ready answers for all those points, because you're sure to hear at least one of them.

TimRB posted:
Not to highjack the thread or anything, but that top ten list is a fine reference. Anyone attempting to argue guns with a gun-grabber should have ready answers for all those points, because you're sure to hear at least one of them.


Thanks Tim. I didn't even have to conduct a study or anything to come up with it. I just listed the first 10 things that I remember hearing from people who don't seem to like guns or at least don't like certain types of guns (handguns or assault weapons).
I don't totally agree with your first sentence in this quote,

Well, let me see if I can refine it somewhat. I believe that most all people other than true pacifists believe that it is justifiable to defend your own life or the life of someone you love or care about if need be. Is that better? My wife has told me she could not shoot someone in self defense, whereupon I asked here what would she do if a bad guy grabbed our son. She replied "I'd kill him!" So my point is that most Americans are not opposed to self defense just some of the means to do it with. Anyway, the Amish are supposedly pacifists but one of them called the cops when that nut went into that school so even they were willing to have someone protect them.
But here was my original point:

They don't want gun owners to have a choice in protecting themselves. The anti's want to force them to rely on the government and its agents to protect them.

You said that the people I'm talking about do believe that people should be able to protect themself. But that's deviating from the point. I don't disagree with you, but I disagree with them making the choice for me on HOW to protect myself. That is my point. These people don't want us to have a "choice" in how to protect ourselves. They want the government to make that "choice" for us. They want the government to have most of the power in order to protect us. When someone invades your home, why should the government or the majority in society have the power to limit your choices by banning certain types of firearms which are the best suited for home defense? Heller says that they cannot. That's a huge win for our side.
They don't want gun owners to have a choice in protecting themselves.

I still belive it is fear of gun owners rather than not wanting us to have a "choice". Although we are probably saying the same thing;) I use the choice argument everytime someone asks me why I carry.

BTW the top ten reasons you listed in points 1,3,4,7 either inplicitly or explicitly acknowledge that a gun is OK to use to defend yourself.:D
I still belive it is fear of gun owners rather than not wanting us to have a "choice". Although we are probably saying the same thing I use the choice argument everytime someone asks me why I carry.

BTW the top ten reasons you listed in points 1,3,4,7 either inplicitly or explicitly acknowledge that a gun is OK to use to defend yourself.

It is because they fear gun owners AND dislike guns that they want to limit our choices.

As for the top ten list, there are some folks who don't want to limit EVERY choice we have for self defense, revolvers or shotguns, for intance. However, they still want to limit our "choices", semi auto handguns, all handguns, assault weapons, for instance. This is because they fear not only gun owners, but those type of guns as well. This is because they are ignorant on the topic of firearms for the most part and listen to the Sarah Brady's, Diane Feinsteins, Barbara Boxers, Ted Kennedys and Chuckie Schumers of the world. Then they regurgitate what those folks tell them. Talk about mind numbed robots. Sheesh.
Not to highjack the thread or anything, but that top ten list is a fine reference. Anyone attempting to argue guns with a gun-grabber should have ready answers for all those points, because you're sure to hear at least one of them.

He left out my favorite two which should always be juxtaposed for their obvious (oblivious?) contradiction.

11. Handguns should be banned because they are not militia weapons.

12. Assault weapons should be banned because they are weapons of war.
This runs a little tangent to the OP, but I think it's worth it.
  • "Handguns are too easily concealed so criminals favor them. They should be banned. You can use a shotgun in your home for defense".
    A: Handguns are more easily used by the elderly and disabled than a long gun for self defense. Also, it the tight confines of many homes, a long-gun is awkward and gives an aggressive attacker leverage to take away the gun, whereas a small handgun does not.
  • "The police are there to protect you. You don't need a gun".
    A: When seconds count - police are just minutes away.
    Police are not legally obligated to protect any individual citizen, even if they call for help (Warren v. D.C.). Considered than over 100,000 calls to police go unanswered every year. I do not want to be on HOLD to the police when I die.
  • "Handguns are not useful for anything but to kill people. That's what they were designed for. They should be banned or severely restricted."
    A: Handguns were designed as a defensive weapon for dealing with immediate, close-quarters threats. Making handguns difficult to acquire forces people to use much more lethal long guns for defense and discriminates against those who cannot use two hands to hold a long gun.
  • Why would anyone need and assault weapon? How many bullets do you need to shoot a deer with? You'll only make hamburger out of them."
    A: Umm! Venison Burger! Kidding aside, why do you need a gasoline burning car? Why do you need a home theatre system? Certainly no one needs a car that goes over 80mph. It isn't about "need", it is about what is permissible under the constitution.
  • "Assault weapons are favored by criminals due to their excessive firepower. They were designed to spray bullets indescriminantly. Most cops are shot with assault weapons".
    A: The weapon most favored by criminals are the ones they can get for the least money. Criminals don't "invest" in a firearm they may have to toss down a sewer drain tomorrow. Most police officers are shot with handguns and a significant number with their own guns. So-called "assault weapons" like the AR-15 are precision arms used by military and civilian shooting teams every year.
  • . "Who needs more than 6 bullets to defend themselves. Revolvers are OK, but citizens should not have semiautomatic handguns which can hold more than 10 rounds."
    A: This says that civilians who must suddenly defend themselves against one OR MORE attackers, at night, in the dark and most often alone, need only a maximum of 10 shots opposed to police who operate in trained teams, take their time to set up perimeters, use radios to coordinate their actions, supported by a helicopter equipped with a multi-million candlepower Xenon light and with a FLIR imaging system, which is why they need pistols with 13, 15 or 18 rounds.
  • "I'm fine with shotguns and rifles for hunting, but no one needs an assault weapon".
    A: I'm fine with you driving a Prius or Geo Metro to work, but no one needs a [insert the car they drive]. OR I'm happy eating wholesome foods, but no one needs to eat potato chips or a McDonald's burger.
  • "If you try to use a gun to protect yourself, the criminals will just take it away from you and use it to kill you. The police are trained in firearms use. They should be the ones to protect us".
    A: Police are not legally obligated to protect any individual citizen, even if they call for help (Warren v. D.C.). If I have a gun to protect myself and it is in my hand, the criminal will have to beat me with an empty gun because I will have given him all the bullets first!
  • "Criminals will always have the element of surprise. If you pull a gun they will shoot you. It's better to give them what they want and then they'll leave. You have insurance against theft, don't you?"
    A: But what if what they want is my life? I can't give them that. For women, what if it is rape & murder that he wants? Studies have shown that it is possible to not only draw and fire first against an armed man, but actually relatively easy with little practice (Force Sciences News). Having a firearm doesn't solve the problem, but it gives you a serious advantage towards saving your life.
  • Keeping a gun in the house will make it more likely that you or a family member will be killed than that you will kill an intruder. The police are there to protect us."
    A: Police are not legally obligated to protect any individual citizen, even if they call for help (Warren v. D.C.). The so-called study that claims guns in the home are a danger omitted every positive and every non-fatal use of a firearm. This is like studying plane crashes and ignoring the safely completed flights, then pronouncing Air Travel is too dangerous to continue.
Hat's off to BillCA for his rebuttals to the anti's in my "top ten" list. Please keep in mind, those are just the top ten that came to mind as I was posting. They are not in any logical order, and there could be some I didn't come up with that are more popular with the antis. I hope it did stimulate some other folks here, besides BillCA, to come up with rebuttals to my list and any other common refrains people hear from the "anti gun/gun control" side.
I hope that the following is not so far off point as to seriously offend or upset anyone, moderators included, however I've said this before, and at the risk of repeating myself, I will say it again.

The movers and shakers of the anti Gun Lobby, I do not refer to the "useful idiots, that stand around holding candles or singing Cumbyah, are not especially interested in firearms, one way or the other, for what they seek is POWER, that being the ability to order Joe and Jane Six-pack around, to the greatest extent possible.

They will use whatever hook is handy upon which they hang their emotional cloaks, while they seek what it is all about, POWER and CONTROL. If and when people come to realize what to me is obvious, a whole lot of the "mystery" disappears. Correct me if I'm wrong.
In part of one of TG's posts from above there was this:

Anyway, the Amish are supposedly pacifists but one of them called the cops when that nut went into that school so even they were willing to have someone protect them.

Not too long ago, I saw an Amish youth in Missouri with a fishing pole who was hitch hiking and caught a ride in the back of some guys pick up truck. At least the kid was dressed like an Amish youth with the black hat, blue shirt, and black trousers. It was in an area that has a relatively high population of Amish people.

Anyway, putting that odd observation aside, I feel somewhat sorry, yet somewhat frustrated with what TG posted above. The Amish are supposed to be pacifists. This means they don't put any value into defending their own lives or the lives of their families. Their children are certainly not strong enough to defend themselves against larger attackers, thus they have no choice in the matter. In my opinion, this means that the adults are willing to let their own children be murdered because they are pacifists. I can understand never instigating violence being a strict ideology that people live by. Heck, most of us don't want to initiate violence. But when someone is threatening your life, and you sit on your hands watching it happen, even if it's your own loved ones, I can't follow that logic. And then, to call on a police officer to risk his life and limb to save your offspring, when you won't, is hypocritical in my opinion. It at least borders on hypocracy. But then, I'm not a pacifist, so I don't understand their way of life.

I also agree that there are people who believe that we have a right to defend ourselves, as TG's wife seemed to indicate. However, they not only disavow the best means of self defense for themselves, which seems dumb, they support the passage of laws that prevent others from using the best means of self defense. That's outrageous in my book.

I'm glad the Heller decision at least put a marker out there that individuals have a right to keep and bear arms, including handguns, which is protected by the Second Amendment. That takes the wind out of the sails of some of the pacifists who'd like to legally make other people less able to defend themselves based on the beliefs of the pacifists. That's wrong, and the USSC just codified that it's wrong.

If some people believe that they should be able to defend themselves, but not with guns, that's just fine. But don't try to push those beliefs on the rest of us through the force of guns used by the government. That's hypocritical. Verstehen Sie?
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when someone is threatening your live, and you sit on your hands watching it happen, even if it's your own loved ones, I can't follow that logic. And then, to call on a police officer to risk his life and limb to save your offspring, when you won't, is hypocritical in my opinion.

A point I made to some of my wife's (who is from PA) relatives who are of the pacifist persuasion. I asked them why they didn't just pray and let the gunman shoot everybody rather than call the police. The question which as you pointed out shows the hypocrisy was not well received.

Some of her relatives didn't like my career in the military. I just smiled at them and said: "I stood on the wall for you too";) Gotta get along with family.
TG posted:
Some of her relatives didn't like my career in the military. I just smiled at them and said: "I stood on the wall for you too" Gotta get along with family.

Good for you. I understand the part of getting along with the family. My moms side is full of democrats, although none of them seem to be pacifists. 7 of my 9 uncles from that side are veterans of the military and almost all of them hunt and own firearms. My mom and two of her 3 sisters married veterans and their husbands hunt too. Some of those uncles and aunts are republican leaning, but my maternal grandparents were staunch democrats. It migrated down to some of their offspring.

That's another thing I don't get. If someone doesn't want to join the military, I have no problem with that. We have a fine VOLUNTEER military now. I don't understand why they would let another persons choice to be in the military bother them in the least. Those folks are intolerant and selfish, in my opinion. I'll bet they often accuse others of being intolerant and selfish, but they need to look into a magic, personality mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the biggest hypocrit of all"?

"The person you see before you, is the biggest hypocrit in all the kingdom, your majesty!"