Pro 2nd Ammendment Organizations: Which One?


New member
I am a member of the NRA and have been for more years than I can remember. Lately, however, I've been very disappointed with them. They seem to be headed toward too much compromise, constant begging for money and petty squabbles among the leadership. They seem to be lacking direction. Now this cut back on the annual meetings really has me PO'd. No, I'm not going to resign. After all they are the "Big guys" out there and they do get instant name recognition. Once in a while they even win one.
Unfortunately, my past faith in them caused me to never join any other pro-gun organizations. My own fault, I admit that. So now I think it's time for me to join one or maybe two more pro-gun outfits to help the fight.
The problem is that I just can't afford to join them all. I've checked a few web sites, but that got me confused. It seems the GOA and 2nd Ammendment foundation are wasting a lot of time and energy feuding with each other. I know little about LEAA and can't remember the correct name of the Jewish pro-gun group.
Like I said, money is tight. I want to make sure it's well spent. So, what are TFL members opinions of various organizations? Which ones do you belong to? Why? What personal experience have you had with them?
Greyfox. I belong to all the ones you mentioned, except the Jewish one, and I can't remember their name either. What a pair we are. I think the initials are J.P.F.O, for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Not sure, but I think that's right. You know, the Jewish people learned what happens when you are disarmed in WW2 and ever further back in history. Wonder if we can learn from their experience? Memberships in the ones I'm in run about $20.00 a year. It costs, but what I did, is I joined GOA one month, waited a couple months, joined CCRKBA, waited a couple more, joined another and so on. That spread the dues out. Of course, the they ask you for money quite often, but hell, so does the NRA. Fortunatly, although I am retired and on a fixed income, I have good health and no major bills.
One thing about these groups, they don't compromise to the point of the NRA. I've been a member of the NRA since the late 50's if I remember right, and back then they were one kick *ss organization.
I heard a rumor that LaPierre's salary was over a quarter mil plus bonuses. Maybe that is where all the money they ask for is going. Qien Sabe'. You know there was a big upheaval in Cincinatti, and again in Philly. Maybe we need one in Denver. I'll bring the rope.
Paul B.
Greyfox. The web address for the JPFO is
The group is called Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership.
They have an interesting web page.

Paul B.
Sorry about that people. Look at the time of day it was posted. I wasn't functioning too well. Again, my apologies. I was just checking out their site again this PM, when I realized my goof.
Paul B.

I just came back from the mailbox, where I put my first-time membership applications for NRA, GOA, and JPFO. The total cost for all three was $75. Money's pretty tight for me, too, so I sacrificed some of my 'Glock Fund'. Well, all of it actually. Why save up for new toys if they become impossible to own?

I don't know much about any of these organizations, but at least they can publicize the size of their membership list and say "One more citizen who values his rights".

I got a good feeling from the JPFO membership application. Out of the three, it's the only one that uses the words "destroy gun control in America". :) Sounds serious!

I've been poking around some of their web sites. LEAA and JPFO look real promising.
What's the deal with Larry Pratt and Alan Gottlieb? They're fussing at each other like a couple of kids. Seems counterproductive to me. Both of their organizations look good but really, the bosses' behavior makes me wonder.