"Pro 2A Washington" TFL/THR WA get together


New member
Third annual hoot'n'shoot. Bring guns, bring ammo, bring food, bring ammo, bring family, bring ammo, bring friends, bring ammo. We're agunna do it again. :D

We are talking about third weekend in June, right now, but it is just in the planning stage at the moment. Sign up at 2A Washington (PM Polishrifleman) or THR. Show up Friday afternoon or later. Go home Sunday afternoon or evening.

We need a really good turn out. Reports are that the chipmunks have been making plans all winter to get JP.

The shoot has been held on Polishrifleman's place up on Manastash Ridge, out of Ellensberg, WA and he has graciously allowed as how he probably can stand to have us show up again.

Washington shooters for sure. Oregon, Idaho and farther shooters are welcome to sign up also. (Polish is going to have my head for this. :eek: :D)

Pops, you beat me to it this year. I got so beat up by Polish for the early post last year that I've been holding back.
I've been looking forward to this since we pulled out last year. This event gets as much attention for a day off as hunting season.
Last years new people are still confusing me. Can't put faces with names/handles. If it gets much better, we'll have to publish a program. :eek:
See if you can toss in a couple of pix from last year to get everyones hearts beatin'. (especially mine) Also, I won't tell anyone about your soup or overly loved dutch oven receipes so as not to scare them off. :p
See ya' all there,
dean (and perhaps both sons this year)
Don't worry Dean, I gave Pops some grief too.:D Looks like the weekend of the 21st of June is it. This is the weekend after Father's Day so ask for a weekend off as your present.

For those of you new to this it will be our 3rd year. Location is out of Ellensburg about 40 minutes so calculate your drive time to Eburg and add 40, it doesn't really help time wise which direction you come from due to the location. Plenty of room for lots of people but it is a camping trip.
I'll be off for training! Thats too bad! I would love to get together with some fellow TFLers for a shoot.
Sounds interesting! What is the makeup of the shoot? Cowboy action? Hunting rifles? EBRs? Come one, come all?
Watchya got against Harley's? Don't have one now, just curious.
That's some beautiful country back in there. Like a whole other era in time and place.
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It's a "run what ya' brung" kind of shoot. We set up a hand gun range and rifle range. Shotguns and black power welcome too. Anything legal.

Harleys and sports cars have a hard time with the road leading in.

PM Polishrifleman for more details.

It is really a great weekend. Shootin' and campin' and eatin'. Been known to have a beer or two around the camp fire too.

Hey, we're only a bit over a month away, well just under two. I sure hope the warm weather shows up. I'm sure looking forward to it.
I guess we're just over last years number so this should be a really fun get together.
See ya' all there,
Holy smokes, only two weeks before the "Gala event".
With the weather here on the wet side, I'm wondering if I should take my Long Jons or Sun Screen.
Polish, what's the weather been like over there?
We had a week of warm in May. Lately it has been cool and damp, when it wasn't cold and wet. Dress for cold. That will guarantee it will get hot. :D


This weekend is supposed to be nice.:D Next week turning to partly crappy probably with more crappy to follow.:barf: I need some SUN!!!
What we need to do is build up a large hot air front over the East side just before the meet. Now, I figure we won't get DeanC to come over that early and start talking, but,...Hey, J Parker! Start telling some of your tales. :D:D:D

(If that don't get me in trouble, nuthin' will. :eek: )

Heck, I didn't even know this was over at TFL.:) I gotta feelin' there is gonna be some NICE weather. I'm gettin' there early and pop me a ninja chipmunk then fry him up on a stick! Hehehehe.:D:D
Parker, don't let Pops get close to the ninja on a stick. He'll turn it into soup then blame it on the weather.
See ya' all there.