Private sale of rifle in PA


New member
Does anyone know what the status of the law is in PA for selling a rifle.
Example: Suppose Tom has an old .30-06 bolt action rifle that he has owned for 30 years. He wants to sell it to Dick for 400 bucks. Can Dick just give him the cash or do they have to go to Harry the gun dealer and go through all the paperwork?

[This message has been edited by orsogato (edited August 04, 1999).]
Any such law is unconstitutional, so I would say, they should meet at some remote spot, make an exchange and leave.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
Don't know the "status of the law." But I know it didn't matter when I lived in PA. And I know it shouldn't matter now.
I am from PA and have many friends there and AFAIK, there is no law to prevent that sale. As always, it may be a good idea to give the local police a call just in case there is some new law I don't know about.

Orso and the rest of you Pa. guys...

If visit a friend of mine in Bucks county can I bring my guns from NY and shoot with him at a range? He's interested in getting his first gun and I'd like to be able to let him sample a few things before he buys?

Appreciate the help, thanks in advance.

Regards, Chris..

P.S. Orsogato, did you find out from your grandfather was battalion/regiment he was in in the 3rd Mar. Div.?
Think of the transaction like this...replace the firearm with a baseball bat, or a socket set, or a pogo stick. It is PRIVATE property that you are buying/selling, and none of big brother's beeswax. As soon as you start dealing with out of state FFL dealers, the game changes completely.

These un-Constitutional laws are meant for the criminals to abide by, not law abiding citizens. If we abide by them, aren't we just submitting to tyranny?

We are free! Stay that way.
Thanx all

I was pretty sure they hadn't made that illegal but the way these laws change so fast you are an immediate felon and you dont even know it. (i think that is the way they want it)

p.s. ChrisL.
My grandpap thinks 28th regiment, 3rd division, USMC, but his memory isn't like it used to be. I've been so busy "trying to be a productive member of society" so the govt can steal more of my money in taxes/ social security I haven't had a chance to double check history books.