Private (?) mail boxes


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From World Net Daily: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
They're becoming awfully ambitious these
days. You've read, in the reports by Stephan
Archer and Vin Suprynowicz that the U.S.P.O.
is imposing absurd conditions on the
two-million-plus holders of private mailboxes.
But you might not have groked the worst.

Did you realize that one of their strangula ... I
mean regulations ... requires that -- just ten
days from today -- all companies like Mail
Boxes Etc. must turn names, addresses and
other personal information about customers
(including, in some cases, your SS number)
over to the P.O. to be put into a database?

Yep, all us folks who want privacy are going to
be federally databased for our "crime." Never
mind that these regulations violate various
federal laws, like the Privacy Act and the
Unfunded Mandate Act.

"Wait a minute!" you say. "So what? Mailbox
businesses have always required ID and postal
paperwork." Yeah, but this is different. Way
different. The old paperwork usually just sat
around at the local P.O. or the mailbox place
itself, gathering cobwebs. We're talking
national database now. We're talking more
invasive forms. And we're talking two forms of
ID, one of which must have your verified home
address. Also, if you do business at your
private mailbox, your paperwork -- including
everything a stalker or an identity thief needs
-- will be available for public inspection.

They also say by October 24 they'll quit
delivering our mail if everyone who sends us
letters doesn't put "PMB" for "private mailbox"
on envelopes addressed to us -- and put it on a
separate line, yet (as if we had any control over
what people put on their envelopes!). Under
the very worst interpretation the P.O. could
require mailbox businesses to check their
paperwork on June 24 -- and return the mail of
any customer who hasn't filled out the new
paperwork and provided "approved" ID. This
isn't likely to happen. But the possibility

So what do you do? Some maybes, depending
on your willingness to take risks:

Check out Rick Merritt's PostalWatch, the
organization spearheading the fight
against this usurpation. They're currently
putting their efforts behind Ron Paul's
H.J. Resolution 55, the "Mailbox Privacy
Protection Act." But they also plan to try
to get an injunction against
implementation of these nasty regs --
hopefully before the worst happens. You
can join or contribute to their legal
defense fund at: 1-877-5-POSTAL (3631
Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA
Send a friendly note to your mailbox
company, reminding them that if they
quit delivering mail in violation of your
current contract, you'll hold both the
corporation and the franchisee legally
liable for any damage you suffer. (Be
polite; seriously. These guys are even
more victims of the P.O. than you are.)
If your judgment allows, you could
refuse to comply. No new paperwork.
No new ID. No "PMB" on your mail.
What'll happen? In the best case,
outraged mass non-compliance will force
the P.O. to back off. In the worst, your
mail won't be delivered, your bills won't
get paid, your credit will crash -- and you
and two million other furious, betrayed
Americans can sue the blue-gray uniform
pants off the U.S. Postal Service. For the
record, I ain't signin' nothin.

Rick Merritt and Postal Watch are totally
within the system, and Rick has made it clear
that he doesn't endorse resistance. However,
he does point out that the U.S. Sixth District
Court of Appeals, in a lawsuit brought by
Federal Express, has already decreed that the
P.O. cannot claim governmental immunity
against lawsuits.[/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."