Prices ?!


New member
My time in the USMC from which I retired in 97, put a huge crimp in my ability to own and move with Class III weapons. I familiar with the NFA requirements.

I have recently gotten to the point that I would like to look into starting to collect some WWII German pieces, but the costs are staggering!

I was at the show today at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, and asking about ballpark prices:

MP-40 - Close to 20K
MG-42 - Close to 40K
Rock Island M-60 - around 28K
S&W M-76 - Around 9K

Is someone pulling my leg, or have things really gotten that expensive?

One dealer taking about the MP-40s said that you could sell all the MP-40s you want @ 20K!

Thanks in advance,

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Yeah, its almost that bad.

For an original C&R German MP40 (not a tube gun) You might find one a bit cheaper than $20, but it won't be easy. I haven't seen too many C&R MP40's lately and even MP40 tube guns are approaching $9-10k.

$40k for an MG42 sounds about right. I've seen asking prices higher, but I think about $40k is where they're actually moving. FWIW, I own one and wouldn't part with it for well over $40k. The problem with the MG42 is actually finding someone willing to part with it - took me months to find mine.

M60's for $28k? Again right about on the money for a Rock Island on non-military gun (Saco Defense, Maremont, etc. will be substantially higher, as will any upgraded model - E3, E4's)

A S&W 76 can be had for less than $9k - they seem to be going for about $7k these days.
Its insane. Lots of discussion has pinned the prices on two events.

The first of course was the 1986 law that prevented new MG's from being made. That meant that all existing MG's were now a premium cause no more were being made. (My dad and I were visiting Interarms at the time and his friend there was going into panic mode. He was convinced that all MG's were about to be outlawed, so he was selling off his collection. We picked up a Madsen LMG from Interarms for dirt cheap. The tripod we bought for it actually cost more. BTW his buddy went out and bought up new MG's a few years later when he saw that there was no fear of MG's being outlawed.)

But despite the 86 law, prices still didnt go through the roof. They were climbing but still relatively affordable.

The second phenomenon to drastically alter th eprice of MG's came in the late 90's - the tech boom. Suddenly there were lots of folks with disposable income. They were snapping up MG's for listed price, and it became a seller's market. Sold a Thompson for $5k? Heck, next one I'll price at $6.5k. And so on.

It's now gotten to a point where the demand fuels the prices. People feel the need to grab one before they get much higher, so demand is still prevalent. Therefore process keep climbing. If people stopped buying for a year, prices would drop (but prob not much). It's a vicious circle. If you really want a MG, do what you can to grab one - they're not likely to get any cheaper and more likely to spiral out of price range down the road.
The Internet has much to do with the sudden increase in prices I'd wager. Finding a buyer or seller for your MG is easier than ever with the 'net.