Price for a Glock 17 used

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Futo Inu

New member
I had wanted a Glock 34, but after observing the following:

1. Complaints about extended mag being too long;
2. Complaints about the crappy factory adjustable sights (which will probably need replacing);
3. Complaints about having to dremel down the grip to make it accept pre-ban 17 mags; and
4. Price difference of ohh, $200 or so between new 34 and used 17.

I have decided to prob get a 17 instead and pick up a match barrel to go with it.

My gun store has one used, looks OK, for $381 (w/ 2 10-rd mags). Good, bad, or average? Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 26, 1999).]
I have seen them as low as $350. Range is between $350 to $400. A lot of the price depends on if it comes with any hi-caps or not. If not, get lower price.
I agree with JohnBoy. For $381.00 you need
to get a couple of used hi-cap magazines
with the G17. If none are available, try
to get the seller down in the #300 to $325
price range; and only then if gun is in near
mint status.

Ala Dan
I got my refurbished Glock 17 last fall for $400. That included two 17-round magazines, and it came with original box, accessories, etc.

I've saw one today for $450, and I'm sure that price had a little wiggle-room.

With the hi-capacity mags, the price you quote is good. Without it, I'd shop some more.
I bought a new G17 last month for $439 in NC. Try to get it down to around $350 (or lower). Glocks do hold their value. However, if it is ragged out bad and they won't budge on price, you may want to pass.

Did you know that you can send it to Glock to be refurbished? You'll need to call them for prices. Usually the only problem is the finish is scratched and cosmetic. After all it is a Glock!

Good luck and be safe!

OK, if you send it to Glock to be refurbished, then they will send it back with hi-cap mags to replace the 10-rounders you send in?
First of all, NO, Glock will send you back the same type of mag(s) you sent them.. If you sent in hi-caps that are BO, they will send you new hi-caps (yes it's legal - they are allowed to replace the hi-caps 1 for 1).. the law states that as long as more aren't being put into circulation then it's ok.

New Glock 17/22/31 can be had for about $415, so a used one for $400 doesn't seem like a very good deal :)

PS: You should also be looking on the Glocktalk boards..

LOTS of us Glock nuts on there with great advice... and almost EVERYONE there knows more than me :)

First about the adj. sights.. I asked that question and not ONE peron said to get them, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE told me to get the night sights (aka NS or low light sights)... If you get them with your Glock, they're about HALF what they are to install afterwards ! They are steel whereas the reg. and AS are polymer and are known to break easily.

The Glock 31 I'm getting with the NS option is $466 plus $10 shipping (and whatever fees you have to pay at your end). I REALLY doubt you can find a better deal on a new GLOCK.. I know I looked EVERY_FREAKIN_WHERE !

Email this guy for a quote -

I found a funny thing while looking for a dealer... some of them take (steal is a better word) one of the two mags out of the box and sell it seperately ! (not this dealer by the way) What a joke !

Sure hope this helps ya out !

Lose that nickel plated sissy pistol, get yourself a GLOCK !
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