Price Check on isle 4 please


Need help placing a value on a revolver.

S&W model 57 (41 mag) 4 inch blue, target everything, wood and Pachmeyer grips. Six Safariland speedloaders, Old Bianchi 16L fullgrain flap holster, suede lined (I know the holster is worth $150.00 alone) factory box, papers, cleaning kit.

Fired 500 rounds, 400 wimp loads, 100 PMC full power. COndition is 99.5%

Please no worthless sellout rhetoric, the juvenille forum is down the page.

Whatever you get quoted, come see me if you want to sell that Model 57. I really want one of those badly.

Aside from that, the package as described would probably easily sell for $450-500 around here (East TN). I know I'd shell out that much.
Greeting's Everyone,

Figure the S&W model 57 in pristine 99.5% N.R.A.condition to be worth $400.00 by it's-self.
Add another $175.00 for all the extra
accessories; and there you have it = $575.00
for the entire lot. Not a bad price for a
truly great firearm.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I would agree with the other guys and say about $500. Unfortunately, at least in my experience , holsters and accessories don't bring much to the package if they've been used at all.

I've got a 657 Mountain Gun which is my favorite of the lot.