Price check for a S&W model 34-1


New member
What would be a fair price for a S&W model 34-1 blue, 2" in about 98% condition? The box is the older blue cardboard type with the clips on the corners, is in excellent shape, and has S&W wax paper and manual. I am not sure if the box is correct for the year of the gun.
I'd love to find one in the $ 250.00 range. Unfortunately around here if one shows up the cost will be about one hundred dollars more. Not a big problem though as the last one I saw in my area was in 1999.
Gun prices vary wildly right now. I have seen M34s (2" usually brings a bit more) from $225 to $450. Of course these are asking prices and I don't know if the high-end guns are actually selling. I think realistically around $250 or so is about right. Maybe $300 for a very clean 2" gun.