Price and quality check:Auto Ord.


New member
I saw an Auto Ordinance 45acp for $349 seemed to be in good auto experience is limited...I've not heard much about AO......It hasfixed sights and little wear....
I NEED a 45 and this price is right ,I can get adjustable sights later.......what do you guys think????Thanks:)
I've heard that older AO 1911s were hit-and-miss as far as getting a good weapon. Now that Kahr Arms has bought them, I suspect that quality is better. The more knowledgeable members of this board will surely be able to tell you more about the new AOs than I can.
That seems to be the consensus. I know the business about the older ones being "hit and miss" is true, mostly "miss". They bought parts from whoever made them the cheapest, and had the guns assembled wherever labor was cheapest, with apparently little or no quality control. Most of them looked good, but that was where it stopped.

I recently purchased one of the new, Kahr-made AO 1911 Deluxe's for $319. I've only put 150 rounds through it, but it worked flawlessly, and was accurate.

Most of the people here will tell you that AO's are worthless even as doorstops, but when I ask what kind of AO they shot, invariably, that was with an 80's era AO. I'm not sure how many people here have a new one.

Here is my range report.
The old 1980's Auto Ordinance guns were not simply "hit or miss". They were a complete insult to the memory of John M. Browning. From what I have heard the Kahr-owned company is making progress regarding quality control, but as they basically had to come out of the gutter (and since Kahr is mostly concentrating on their K- and P- Series pistols) I'd probably hold off if I were you until a few more positive reports come down the pike.
I have one of the older Auto Ord's, and after tons of work and basically all new parts (the only thing still original is the frame) the weapon finally works!! Praise the Lord, it works! Was it worth it? Barely. The only reason I even fixed it was because it belonged to a family member who passed away, sort of a tribute thing, it never worked when he owned it! Supposedly the new AO's produced under Khar are 100% better than what I have, and for around $350 it could be worth checking out.
I saw an Auto Ordinance 45acp for $349 seemed to be in good auto experience is limited...I've not heard much about AO......It hasfixed sights and little wear....

This is a used Auto Ordnance? You like paying retail for used goods? If you feel like taking a chance, offer 250$. If they say no, pass on it and find something else.
Glad I asked

Thanks for the advice.......I'll let this one pass!I'll keep looking....The Daly does interest me...thanks again.
This forum is a great place to ask advice becaue people will tell you their honest opinion,not just some salesman BS....the search fora 45 continues!:cool: