I don't have a T.V., but I listen to the radio a good bit when I'm not working. I've noted what can only be viewed as propaganda, at least at ABC. They speak in an excited and upbeat voice when talking Gore and use a more monotone for Bush. The reports about Gore are framed in heroic ways. Gore reveals or states something, whereas Bush alleges something. This is in addition to any negative Bush story being aired, whereas stories such as Lieberman's ( not Gore..this is another one ) eviction of a Jamaican woman that was hurt on his property, or Gore's son's arrest are never reported. Reporting is not what this is. This is propaganda! The press will determine this election. They know that it is a close race and their subtle and not so subtle propaganda will put Gore over the top. They control the public schools and the main elements of the press and are willing to use them in ways that would have been unethical thirty years ago.