Presidntial Candidates

Beretta Boy

New member
Alright, so we are obviously all pro-gun right? Then we all need to VOTE pro-gun in the upcoming presidential election. So what have you heard, if anything, about any pro-gun candidates? We Need to be informed

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Well & damn. Was writing my best yet ;-) & got blown out somehow. Damned computers!

Vote pro-constitutional & we will get pro-gun. Take a step back & look at the big picture. If we get the constitution back, we get it all.

I was to vote for Sen Smith/NH in primary but he dropped. As an aside, we had a fundraiser for him in NE CO a few back. ~300 folks (10% I'm sure were doing their CCW civic duty). Was quite a treat shaking the hand of a presidential candidate while carrying.

Alan Keys is tearing 'em up in the debates, but, the polls say that nobody's willing to actually vote for him. See & make your views known. He's an unbelieveable orator & I do believe that he would restore as much as he could - but, too, he'd have the congress to contend with. So far, he gets my vote in the GoP primary.

'Course, The Annointed One/Bush Lite, gets the nod & the choice between him & any Dem is a no-brainer. GWB seems to have a decent pro-shooter record in TX but there's not much there that excites me.

Reform Party? maybe Cyble Sheppard (sp?) ? oh no! Only thing I can see outa them is to take votes away from the GoP ... good folks looking to make some kinda difference, somehow.

Assuming the worst, the Dems will eat us alive & N-O-W. The GoP will take their time eating us slowly.

A few of my more radical buddies suggest that we all vote for the most liberal, anti-freedom preson we can find. Bring this crap to a head right now! Stand & fight. Personally, I think that's a bad idea. 'Course, I still watch Pollyanna & get a tear in my eye. ;-)

Soory for the twisty turns of my mind this fine eveing. My first post really was much better. ;-)

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
A few of my more radical buddies

Hell, a growing number of my *less* radical buddies are saying this now!

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I'm not saying it yet, but I'm thinking it...

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
I'm not saying it yet, but I'm thinking it...

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.