President's Gun Control Proposals

Universal background check for any gun buyers

ETA: Including private sellers per POTUS

Congress should restore AWB and 10 round mag ban...

MOre to come
Now it's 23 executive actions...

Starting with universal background checks, and MORE liberal buzzwords, "it's common sense". Next, AWB and ten round mag limit.
Nice crap line, "Weapons designed for the theater of war have no place in the movie theater." AND trying to quote Reagan on banning AWs, great scott.

Now it's on straw purchaser/sellers - HEY, PRES, WHAT ABOUT YOUR ATTORNEY GENERAL?
Congress should get tougher on straw buyers and severly punish those who assist straw buyers.

Congress Should confirm Todd JOnes as ATF director, nominated by POTUS.

Should put more cops back on the street...
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He has no idea (and I am glad he doesn't) what 6 rounds of buck shot from 30-40 yards can do if fired into a crowd...

Assault weapons??? Don't we already have restrictions and limitations on select fire weapons?

Backhanded slap at the NRA...nicely without using names, of course.
Now he's calling for people in strong gun states to stand up and scream "disarm us"...
Wating for the EOs, but he's admitted that they can't do much with cranking up the emotional dial, probably to soft soap the intro for the next wave.
more cops on the street but not in schools

He turned it loose to WAPO early:

Obama’s plan also includes reinstating and strengthening the assault weapons ban, restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines, getting rid of armor-piercing bullets, ending a freeze on research into gun violence and providing additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime. It calls on Congress to pass a $4 billion proposal to help communities keep 15,000 police officers on the streets, as well as new gun trafficking legislation that would “impose serious penalties on those who help get guns into the hands of criminals,” according to the White House fact sheet.