Presidential Candidates....

Ranger Al

New member
I am just wondering whats the ratio of people we have on this board. Democrate or Republicant??

Most of my hunting buddies as well as myself are all republicant and wonders if there is any Democrate here..
What are "Democrates" and "Republicants"?

And yes, there are Democrats on this board. There are also Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, and Independents on this board, and they all have various shades of skin color and religious affiliations. It's almost like we're a random sample of people...

Seriously, are you looking for homogeneity of opinion? In that case, TFL might not be the best place to look.
I'm a mostly right-leaning independant (with a small i.) I vote for more Republicans than I do Democrats, but I vote for both. Deep down I'm probably a Libertarian, although I disagree with them on a few minor issues.

For the next 2 years I guess I'm officially a Republican because I voted for Ron Paul in the primary.
Ranger Al said:
Most of my hunting buddies as well as myself are all republicant[sic] and wonders[sic] if there is[sic] any Democrate[sic] here..

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of either of the two major parties.
I hope I didn't piss off anyone. I am just wanting to know what the majority of the people here would vote for. I know we don't have much choice for the next Presidential election. Who is the lesser of the evil one, Obama or McCaine??? Personally, I don't think Clinton would stay on the race nor does Huckabee. You asked TFL is not a place for the opinion, who is going to be our next Second Amenment Right pretector???
And yes, there are Democrats on this board. There are also Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, and Independents on this board, and they all have various shades of skin color and religious affiliations. It's almost like we're a random sample of people...

I wouldn't go that far. We still see some demographics represented disproportionately. We're a self-selecting sample of people who happen to represent a broad range.

I hope I didn't piss off anyone. I am just wanting to know what the majority of the people here would vote for. I know we don't have much choice for the next Presidential election. Who is the lesser of the evil one, Obama or McCaine??? Personally, I don't think Clinton would stay on the race nor does Huckabee. You asked TFL is not a place for the opinion, who is going to be our next Second Amenment Right pretector???

Neitehr McCain nor Obama will be our next Second Amendment protector. Nor would Clinton, and despite his positions even Huckabee is iffy. Bush (the younger) certainly wasn't, nor was Clinton. Putting your faith in one person to defend those rights is a bit foolish anyway, especially when that one person can theoretically ave their vetoes overridden anyway. Appointment of judges is definitely an issue, but on the whole I'd say as far as gun rights go you'd be wise to pay more attention to your Congressional races than the Presidential race.
Sorry, I didn't read the rule...

Since my posting been moved here, I didn't get a chance to read the rule. Staff feel free to delete it.....

my apology..

Tamara and Marko Kloos didn't shut you down immediately, so I think this discussion may have some runway left. Don't go apologizing too early ;)
There's been a lot of talk this year about who's a Republican, compared to a Conservative. If JFK were running, I'd say I was a Democrat. If Reagan was running, I'd say I was a conservative. If Bush were running, I'd be a Republican. At first I wanted Fred Thompsan, then he dropped out. Then Mitt Romney started to look pretty good as far as a candidtate goes, and he dropped out. Do we have a party called "The Least Amount of Trouble?" If so, it would be John McCain. I'll take him for 4 years, Alex, (With my fingers crossed.)
Obama and Hillary WILL come after our guns. I'm fairly confident McCain WON'T. I also agree that the Senate/House races are key in November, if the Dem's gain 10 seats in the Senate, that gives them a super majority, which means big trouble for gun owers. Best scenario either way...Obama gets elected and the republicans maintain their current levels in the House and Senate. The GOP has enough seats to filibuster in the Senate right now. McCain gets elected and the Dem's win a super majority in the Senate, this one would be dicey, as McCain might very well go along with the leftist agenda.:barf:
Obama and Hillary WILL come after our guns. I'm fairly confident McCain WON'T

  1. I think Hillary would like to, but she won't be willing to waste that much political capital.
  2. Obama is naive enough to do it.
  3. McCain just might, as a gesture of "the new bipartisanism"
I though I was going to have this scar marked onto my screen name "BAN"! Thanks for the issurance. I'll take my apology back! lol:D