Presidential Candidates


I am new to firearms, as well as, Political views (with the exception of Clintons' bans etc.) I was curious if anyone out there knows the upcoming candidates for the Presidential election, as well as, there views on firearms?
Bush was, apparently, quite happy to sign Texas' Concealed Handgun License law.

As a generalization, the Dems are agin guns. Most of the Repubs are neutral to mildly pro-gun--so far as I know--with Bush and Buchanan pro-gun.

If Bush was elected he would have the chance to fix the perversions of government almost every president has thrust upon us since Hoover, and this includes his father. Then I could die happy. Can we all say "fat chance"? I knew we could. But at least he has got to be better for the country than Al China Gore.
I just saw where Sen. Mcain is putting in his bid for the Republican nomination. Could anyone tell me where he stands on Firearms issues? It seems to me that he he is Pro2nd Amend., but I am not positive.
Bob Smith looks pretty good on gun issues. Unfortunately, I doubt he has much chance of getting the nomination, since the news media don't seem to want to admit he's even one of the candidates; He never turns up in their lists. Forbes seems militantly uninterested in letting anyone know where he stands on the Second amendment... I've been sending his web site Email asking him to express a view, ever since he started it, with no response. And his page of links to policy resources omits any pro-gun organizations. That may be due to somebody in the RNC, though, as I notice Quayle's site had the exact same list of links; Could be somebody in the RNC is providing those links to candidates, and doesn't consider pro-gun organizations worthy of inclusion?
Henry Bowman and his pet hog for President/VP!

Seriously, it seems that the most pro-gun candidates (like Smith) compensate with some Dickensenian traits which make them unpalatable to people other than one-issue voters. Can we convince enough people to vote on this issue, or will my neighbor worry more about her"living wage"?
So far I think Bush Jr. is our best hope for President. He has a good record on gun issues as Governor of Texas, and he stands a realistic chance to beat Gore. He sent a message of warm welcome to the last Texas State Rifle Association convention--a lot of Democrats and even some Republicans would have choked before sending such a message.

Of course, Bush has to firm up his principles and then stick to them--something that, as we all know, candidates for Federal office tend to forget about as they play to the bias of the media and the polls.

BTW, Bush Jr.'s First Lady is nothing--nothing--like Hillary. Thank goodness!
Jimmy: Of course, his dad looked similarly good, right up until he became President. Still, I'm willing to give Junior the benefit of the doubt... If he doesn't hide from the issue, the way most of the other Republican candidates are.
Well gents, I hate to tell you , but it matters little who's elected, because all of the successful candidates are bought and paid for by the monied elite. The CFR...Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateralists , and the Bildibergers have sway with there money in the form of foundations, press that they own or control, PAC's and fundraisers, and most importantly the bureaucrats they place in the party and the cabinet of the winner. Don't believe it...? Read "the Shadows of Power" by James Perloff , " the Trilateralists" by Yancey, and the Secrets of The Federal Reserve" by Eustice Mullins... or for a real killer... read the history of the Von Rothschilds , if you can find it. These all tell of real time events and conspiracies of intent to sway the direction of our government toward their own ends , and the willingness to commit billions of dollars and decades of time to their successful attainment of global domination and control of the world populace through economic means... and a little war here and there. Read and learn, for knowledge will set you FREE !!!