Prepared for Nukes? Alabama is planning. (News Link)

Except that anyone with sense knows that Cold War fallout shelters were nothing but psychological security blankets and did nothing for actual protection. Besides, by the time one went off downtown, anyone who saw it go would be dead or going to die soon from the gamma radiation, or would have enough radiation on their clothing in the form of alphas and betas in dust to contaminate the shelter if they were let in. There's no "the missiles are coming", remember? If people were let into the shelter you were in after it went off, you'd be breathing dust with alpha particles in an enclosed space.
Remember also, the films and pamphlets of the time said that a right-angle passageway into a bomb shelter would block radiation. :D

If they were putting sensors for fissionables in public places, that'd be more proactive. This is just ineffectual, but cheap feelgood measures that do nothing.
Old news to me.

When I was six years old in Milwaukee, my Father took me to a nike site.

It was less than a mile away from our home. If they're going to get ya' they're going to get ya.'

I now live in Madison, home most likely to the last vestige of Guerilla Cookies, tie-dyed shirts and real hippies from the 1960's. Heck, they wanted to re-name a street here "Ho Chi Minh" avenue.

We're going to be killed by the first wave of ICBM's.

Fired by our own people...
Unlike the fallout shelters set up during the Cold War, the new ones will not be stocked with water, food or other supplies. For survivors of a nuclear attack, it would be strictly ''BYOE'' - bring your own everything.

20,000 people in the one they're proposing. With no food and water. Wow. That'll end well.

At least all the bodies, from either alpha-particle contamination and radiation sickness, or chaos and lawless rampaging to steal food from people who had it, they'll already be underground... :P

People who do bring stuff would very quickly lose it to the ones who did not, but were bigger than they were or who were armed.
Been there, done that.

My personal weltanshauung has always been influenced by the memory of air raid drills in 1960-63.

Five year olds cowering against walls with their butts in the air LOL.

I remember UFOs too :)

WildandthefingerswerereallyonthebuttonsbackthenAlaska TM
Except that anyone with sense knows that Cold War fallout shelters were nothing but psychological security blankets and did nothing for actual protection. Besides, by the time one went off downtown, anyone who saw it go would be dead or going to die soon from the gamma radiation, or would have enough radiation on their clothing in the form of alphas and betas in dust to contaminate the shelter if they were let in. There's no "the missiles are coming", remember? If people were let into the shelter you were in after it went off, you'd be breathing dust with alpha particles in an enclosed space.

Wouldn't a fallout shelter be at least marginally effective against a distant nuclear attack, though...where you have enough warning to know that the wind is brining the fallout your way? No good if somebody blows up a nuke in Alabama...but if they blew one up in Atlanta or Houston, it might not be the worst idea ever.

20,000 people in the one they're proposing. With no food and water. Wow. That'll end well.

Thunderdome, baby.

At least all the bodies, from either alpha-particle contamination and radiation sickness, or chaos and lawless rampaging to steal food from people who had it, they'll already be underground... :P

Hey, maybe that's the plan....

People who do bring stuff would very quickly lose it to the ones who did not, but were bigger than they were or who were armed.

Seriously. How much food is a person expected to be able to carry to such a site? How long is that expected to last? Might as well skip on the food and double up on the ammunition, at that point.
Funny, the Swiss have enough shelters for every man, woman, and child. Fully stocked. Gigantic underground and cavern environments, capable of operating as their own towns; postal service and all.
Funny, the Swiss have enough shelters for every man, woman, and child. Fully stocked. Gigantic underground and cavern environments, capable of operating as their own towns; postal service and all.
Well a lot of that has to do with geography. There are many areas in the US where underground shelters simply can't be built reliably or safely. :o
The Swiss also did it as a serious effort. This...
Just throw down a sleeping bag on the courthouse floor - or move some of the rocks on the mine floor - and make yourself at home.

...doesn't even qualify as half-assed.
Read a nice little essay about Swiss preparedness and one thing it mentioned is the best way to prepare for an attack is to not do crap around the world that makes people want to attack you.

I think that's a bit more important than setting up fallout shelters.
Read a nice little essay about Swiss preparedness and one thing it mentioned is the best way to prepare for an attack is to not do crap around the world that makes people want to attack you.

Except that when you're dealing with an expansionist group of extremists, doing nothing will get you to the same point when they decide to come anyway. Or hadn't you heard of the 80,000 people in a Pakistan stadium cheering on the global caliphate, the doing-away-with of democracy in Europe and America to be replaced by sharia law?
Yes, it has to do with the wahabbist/khomenist/etc radical interpretation of their religion's book.

But believe what you want, that we're the bad guys. IT'S ALL OUR FAULT!!!!111 :rolleyes:
Yes, it has to do with the wahabbist/khomenist/etc radical interpretation of their religion's book.
Oh yeah, that's it. Blame it all on the religion, it has nothing at all to do with giving weapons to both sides in any conflict. Nah, couldn't be.

But believe what you want, that we're the bad guys. IT'S ALL OUR FAULT!!!!111
Yeah, because that's what I said.

1. Read.
2. Comprehend.
3. Post.

I think you missed a step.
"By his own account, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's animus toward the United States stemmed not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel." - p.147, 9/11 Commission Report
"By his own account, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's animus toward the United States stemmed not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel." - p.147, 9/11 Commission Report

"The sons of Adam are accountable for all lies with the exception of those spoken to reconcile two men that are quarreling, for a man to appease his wife, and in war, because war necessitates deception." -Mohammed.
Read a nice little essay about Swiss preparedness and one thing it mentioned is the best way to prepare for an attack is to not do crap around the world that makes people want to attack you.

Yeah, that worked really well up till December 7, 1941 didn't it.