Pregnant woman defends herself

Yes, but it seems that more and more often justice is only served by citizens defending themselves, rather than the courts.

The defending woman's name was Brady, isn't that a neat coincidence.

I am glad the attacker was killed. I just wish that it were legal to make people like that suffer painfully before killing them. :barf:
Wow, that is one tough lady then. I hadn't heard anything more than in the original article.

Boy I tell you, nothing more fierce than a (true) mother's love. :eek:
While I got the jist of the events, . . . there was more to it than they were telling, I think.

The video clip that was shown in central Ohio showed them bringing someone out of the resindence on a gurney, loading them up and sending them apparently to a hospital.

The physical outline would suggest a pregnant female.

While the newsmouthpiece dribbled on, . . . the video clip continued also, and it showed a largish woman in handcuffs being taken out also. She too looked as though she was pregnant.

Whole thing has me wondering: what is this world coming to? what really happened? did they have the clips mixed up? Whatever!

May God bless,
I live across the river (sw Ohio) from where this happened. Story gets more and more bizarre as details emerge. The attacker had apparently been faking a pregnancy herself for some time, and was past the "due date" she'd told people. She had worn padding of some kind to fool folks, for months I guess.

Not to make light of the situation, but the whole thing sounds wilder than a movie plot on The Lifetime Network. Latest reports say Ms. Brady is doing fine, her wounds were relatively minor, it's said.