Preferred barrel blanks


New member
I recently decided to build a 25 PRC savage based rifle for the heck of it, for the last year and a half I generally accepted it was going to take at least 4 to 6 months for a decent barrel to be custom made. PBB required acknowledging that I knew it would take at least 8 to 10 weeks and possibly more to complete the order, I was not surprised and completed the order without hesitation. I placed the order about a week ago was pleasantly surprised to receive notice this morning that it has entered into production, though I'm not positive that means it's actually physically in the process of being cut--kinda like when a shipper informs you your order has been shipped when the shipping tag has been printed out but in reality is still in the warehouse.
Oh, so the work order for production has been released to the floor.

I'm thinking my next barrel may be a Douglas.

I've now used 4 E.R. Shaw barrels and 1 Shilen barrel.
That's the way I take it. This is a new barrel maker for me so I'm curious how good they are--their prices are right up there with the top-tier makers; but most of them are so back-logged it's unpredictable when--or even if--you'll get what you ordered. Another reason I'm interested in Preferred BB is that they can make cut-rifled prefits that are designed to be shoulder-fit (no barrel nut fuss) to the Terminus line of actions, giving the potential of quick-change "pre-headspaced" barrel change-outs. Gotta uncover a buried treasure first to talk myself into the action, but it looks like a great concept to me.
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You can do that with a Big Horn Origin with many shops too. Just a thought. Also, remember these will be cut to a dwg. I’m still bouncing back and forth in my head if that is ok on a custom rifle. Once cut, barrels are hard to recut. Some gunsmiths won’t even try.
If you need a really good barrel fast, carries Bartlein barrel blanks. Soutern Shooters Supply carries some. Or if an OK barrel is good enough, Green Mountain Barrels are often in stock through their website (although the COVID slowdown has hit them too). Lilja is 11-ish weeks, Shilen is 12 weeks, Douglas recently took 16 weeks to get me a .452" groove barrel. There are lot of good barrels out there, some really good, some just so-so. Pick your poison and go to the appropriate website, CC in hand, and beg for a few crumbs.
I thought PRC brass would be available by now--it isn't. :( I'm desperate now I'm literally going to buy 300/6.5 loaded factory ammo--pull the bullets and powder and resize the cases with bushings down to .257 (+/-). Gotta convert 6.5 PRC dies to .257 as well.
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I called PBB today and talked to them for the first time--seems like a really nice group. I did of course ask for an update and was told yes the barrel is in the production cue and should be ready to ship in the next few weeks. I told them I was actually a bit shocked that it would be available so fast--at least relative to what other manufacturers are quoting, and I was told I just happened to be lucky enough to place my order at the right time when there's an "ebb" in demand since most people who needed their stuff for hunting and fall comps had already been taken care of. I'll have to remember that for next year.:)
I ordered a 6x45 barrel for a RAR from PBB in Feb 2020, saw the usual 4-8 weeks lead time on the website, but this was at the start of the Covid issues, don't remember how long it actually took but I got it all put together in May of 2020. I rec'd the email about my order moving into production, and it was a couple weeks or so later I got notice of it being shipped. Very happy with my 6x45 PPB.
I ordered a 6x45 barrel for a RAR from PBB in Feb 2020, saw the usual 4-8 weeks lead time on the website, but this was at the start of the Covid issues, don't remember how long it actually took but I got it all put together in May of 2020. I rec'd the email about my order moving into production, and it was a couple weeks or so later I got notice of it being shipped. Very happy with my 6x45 PPB.

In April i ordered my Shilen barrel & was told 12 weeks.
Took 18 weeks to finally arrive.
And from what i hear, their backlog has only gotten worse.

Friend ordered a Bertlein in June. Was told expected delivery in March or April.

E.R. Shaw normally takes 12 weeks. They had a notice on their website a while ago of 20 week wait times.

I'm really surprised at the wait for Douglas. Stan has been one of the faster turn arounds.


Might want to check with Old roper.
He had lists from a couple of barrel manufacturers with in stock barrel blanks. Ship in 24 hours.
Might want to check with Old roper.
He had lists from a couple of barrel manufacturers with in stock barrel blanks. Ship in 24 hours.
You're still stuck with the problem of having your chamber reamed--by whom, and with what "mystery sauce" reamer configuration is going to be used. I like the fact PBB has all that capability in house--including maintenance of reamers and cutters. I don't know if I'm spilling the beans on nothing more than vaporware, but PBB also mentioned custom dies are on the drawing board to made entirely in house.