Predator Call

Dean C

New member
My son bought a predator call for coyote hunting. To be honest, I've never used one or even been around someone who has. To me the darn thing sounds like a "party horn". Does it call the yotes to look for a wounded animal or a party? Or perhaps a wounded party animal.

Seriously, what are they supposed to sound like and how do you use them?

Predator call

Good question. We're getting a lot of coyotes around northern Indiana and I'm planning on hunting for them this spring. I have read on here that for close in calling a dog or cats "squeaky" toy works good but I suspect that's for under 100 yards. I'll be watching for what kind of knowledgeable response you get. I can get educated too. :)
I am by no means an expert, but I have a predator call and have seen them in action. I have never personally used mine in the field, since whoever I'm with always seems to get theirs out and start tooting first, but here are my observations, for what they're worth.

Yes, if you blow quietly or slowly through a call it does sound like a party horn. For the proper effect, you have to blow loud and fast, in short (around one second) bursts, about a dozen times, then breaking for 30 sec to a minute and repeating as necessary. If you have it right, it should come out as a loud, shrill, primal scream. The first time I heard it, I got shivers down my back. It is just plain out weird.

This assuming that you have a wounded animal call, not a mouse squeaker.

Good luck! Blast the varmints!
The one I use sounds like a wounded rabbit, which to me sounds like a baby crying, The loud short bursts are the correct way to use it. Yotes look for and easy meal and thats what a wounded rabbit is to them.
There are many types of calls for predator hunting and I have used most of them, some are social calls, locator's, loud barks, some are wounded animals, reeded calls, there is also diaphragm calls, howlers,coyote yelper, I don't bother using them anymore since high tech sound sample callers have come out, you can't beat a true animal being killed or a real coyote calling, wireless speakers, they don't have white noise either, as tapes do, remember the coyote ear's are ten times better than our's, thats saying something, not saying those other's I mentioned don't work, but once they are on to it, they won't make the same mistake again. I also made up a rig using a child's play toy, added some fur to it, and with two d battery's it goes crazy jumping around, from a distance to a yote its a trapped animal and its supper time, of course when you include the rabbit in distress,he won't be able to resist;) be sure not to use a animal that does not live in the area, uncommon sounds will be ignored, and push them out of the area. I also use a crow call while calling, gives it the true affect, as you know those dame crows never miss a trick, always waiting for there tern to eat something. remember not to call too much or too little, there is a happy medium, play with the volume, start out low in case there is a critter near bye, then increase it little bye Little as time goes on, ten minuets of calling then rest for ten, then start again, do this three or four times, if nothing comes, move on, at least a mile apart, coyotes have great hearing, they can hear well over a mile under good conditions, some yote hunters say move five miles each time, No#1 be patient, try different methods till something gives, remember yotes are very keen animals and are good survivors, and just don't come to you and put there paws up and let you shoot them, most of the time they are very elusive and cautious and will circle there pray before they attack, keep your ears peeled for the pitter patter of there paws in the snow, thats about all you hear before seeing them, if that...
Good luck, read up on hunting varmints, Garry Blair has a good book out that may give you some good idea's. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.

Author: Blair, Gerry
Imprint: Krause Publications
Publisher: F&W Publications Inc
Date Published: 31/12/1995
Category: Science - Biology
Additional Category: Sports & Recreation - Hunting
I've done reasonably well with a wounded-rabbit call. And, yeah, coyotes do have a serious set of ears: I happened to be calling at a site where I could see a pretty good distance. I called fairly loudly; two coyotes immediately started running toward me from well over a half-mile away.

I've used the Burnham Brothers wounded rabbit casette tape to good effect. I often just set the "baby boom-box" on the hood of my truck. I grant I'm not hunting well-educated coyotes, though. I've called back-country coyotes up in mid-afternoon and had them run around the truck and bark. I guess it's, "Where's my rabbit? You SOB, you promised me a rabbit!" Can't shoot; laughing too hard.

:), Art
Thanks guys for the advise. I'm still trying to find that place between "party horn" and over blowing. It'l like the reed stops vibrating and you get a high pitch sound and a lot of air sound. Or, is that what I'm looking for?

Your tale conjured up an image that got me chuckelin' too.

Once we get the call down, and there are two of us hunting, should we spread out or hunt together to get a 360 degree view? We're hunting in the central Washington area around the Columbia River.


Welcome to TFL.
That high-pitched squeak means that you're blowing too hard. The maximum effort for distance should be just under the effort that brings the lockup. A help is to use your hands as a megaphone or a mute. You can vary the sound quite a bit by cupping and opening your hands as you blow.

Coyotes (and other predators) will initially come straight toward the sound of a call. They'll circle and make the final approach pretty much into the wind, as terrain and vegetation allow.

How people set up depends on wind and terrain. Sometimes back to back is better; other times the caller might be low and in some brush while the shooter is higher up on a hillside or in a tree stand. A lot of it is just "Try it and find out." Overall, stillness and wind are the two most important aspects. Don't let Ol' Wiley see movement, and pick your spot so he's forced to come in at least crosswind.

If you use a light for night-hunting, never shine the center of the beam directly in his eyes. Just catch the eye-glow with the edges of the beam. You can use a high-powered light for initial spotting, but I often also have a two-cell light to use as they come close in. I often use a Q-Beam with a red lens; I've made a cardboard tube about five inches long to go around it and avoid light-splatter into a scope. And you can't see squat through a scopeif the light is behind you.

For longer night shots with a rifle when I'm soloing, I hold my Streamlight alongside the forearm. Works well.

Any earth-toned or dull clothing is fine. Camo isn't at all necessary. Everything's gray to a coyote, just as with deer. Be still, be quiet, be successful.

Years ago I hunted coyotes a good bit,I prefered calling as early in the morning as shooting was possible until about 10 A.M.Be sure and take a look at your watch and stay put for about half an hour before you try another spot,also don't jump up and head for your rig before having a good look around,you may have one eyeballing you.I prefer to hunt in pairs close to one another, one with a rifle and one with a shotgun,don't make any sudden moves while watching and wait until your prey moves behind something to bring your guns to bear.Also buy a squeeker bulb,I stop using the mouth call at about 100yds and if they need more to come in use the squeeker.I have killed a pile with a 12 ga.,IF you plan to take the winter fur I would take some trash bags and some raid unless you like fleas and ticks,drop them in a bag with a shot of raid and tie it shut for a half hour or so.Camo is great but movement is by far the worst thing you can do,We were out in the open and I called a coyote within 20 ft ,the guy I was with had a red jacket on.
I am not an absolutist on this, but it seems to be common: When the moon is nearing its full stage, calling in late afternoon can be really good. After it's full, and setting after sunup, you can call on into daylight and do well.

In the dark of the moon, or those quarters of less moonlight, darker-hours calling is better.

Why, during lotsa-moon? Not sure, but I think it's because prey animals can see better and are thus harder to grab. So, Ol' Wiley has to work harder or longer to get a meal and is thus out and around more.

First attempt at calling

Well, here's how it went with calling. Got to where I could blow hard and loud just before the "lock-up". (still sounds like a party horn though) We were hunting the rolling hills just under the snow line in Central Washington (not a good snow year here). I could get the little critters singing but they stayed out about 600 to 800 yards. Never moved into view. We were hunting off the road a bit but still pretty close to the rig which probably didn't help. I did notice one thing that every time called, and they started singing, it brought up a couple crows and an occasional hawk out at the yote distance and direction. Come to think of it, they probably weren't singing, they were laughing at my lack of technique and the crows had to fly up to see the idiot blowing on the party horn. I'm not giving up though, I'll find someone who can teach me first hand in person what it should sound like.
Thanks all for the info. and suggestions. More is certainly appreciated.
Aw, the truck shouldn't have had that much of an effect.

Practic on your house cat or your dog, if you got'em. Blow low and slow, varying the tone and all by cupping your hand around the caller. See how they react. :)

When you're out calling, don't try to see what maximum db you can generate. Mostly start off a bit loud, but repetitive. Imagine a hurt rabbit, yelling loud and fast at first and then slowing down and not yelling as loud as he tires. Then, a 10- or 20-second pause and a sorta softer call...

Hey, what coyote's gonna tangle with a 400-pound rabbit?

:), Art
I was interested in all you guys were talking about and I know that you can hunt coyotes at night but was wondering how well they are hunted during the day? I also played around with the calls at our local sports store they did sound like a wounded rabbit to me, I wasn't as adventerous though I just played with the eletronic one which made the noises by themselves.

Also have you guys hunted Ferral (sp) dogs with the same calls? We have A LOT of them around our house and they get my chickens a lot as well as those damn weasels.