Precurser to Martial Law?


New member
I was talking to a friend tonite. He tells me that he was talking to two guys from Puerto Rico. Supposedly the US Army is fencing off neighborhoods and going through and searching homes without warrants. They are also controlling the movements of the residents. This sounds like something that was proposed during the 92 election to curb drugs on the mainland. Anybody heard of this or is this just a new rumor.
Your right. Maybe we should have a rumor thread to bounce these stories around. At least coming in you would know that the stories are just that and it would be a way of airing them. Letting the wind out of them before they spread too far.
Guys, the officail expanation for the many urban warfare operations by Delta Force and the Marines in American cities and towns in the last few years is that our military needs places to realistically train. US military claims future wars will be in urban enviroments overseas and they need to practice in American towns and cities. For years our Army had places set up where city fighting was stimulated and civilians could even join in the fun and bring their own weapons and dress up as the enemy. Ft. AP Hill was one such place. Why do I mistrust such reasoning comming out of our military? Simple. The military takes its orders from our civilian government and it would be only a fool who thinks this regime(thats what it is ,a regime) has the interest of the American people in mind.
I know the military does urban warefare training. I guess my point is that I hear so many rumors about actual military operations or foreign military presence that I was just trying to verify if this story about PR was true or just more BS being spread for God knows what reason. We still have the ballot and right now thats what we should focus on.
It is LIKELY a rumor, like the repeated sightings (never verified) of large metal signs marked "Martial Law". Still, every now and then you see something odd. I work in downtown New Orleans and there is a new sports arena under construction adjacent to the Superdome. Both buildings are very near elevated traffic expressways that link to Interstate 10, and many areas underneath the concrete expressways is being fenced in with chain link fencing, at least 10 feet tall, topped by barbed wire. All of the new fencing is dipped in a green plastic-like paint.

Here's the strange part: I figure this work is to provide secure parking areas for the anticipated employees, and possibly some of the patrons of the new sports arena. Makes sense, right? A downtown area, known for the typical assortment of urban crime, you'd have to put barbed wire around the parking lots. Hmmm. Then why is the barbed wire positioned to keep someone on the INSIDE of the fence from climbing OUT, rather than the obvious reverse? Probably just a case of someone reading the blueprints upside down, hell, half the Interstate bridge guardrails in the State of Louisiana are installed backward, so they help the cars roll smoothly into the drink rather than bouncing them back onto the roadway. D'oh! You can actually see, at the LA/MS border, where the two states had differing opinions about which way the guardrails should face. As you pass the center of the Pearl River, the railings "flip"!

So, since such jobs go to the lowest bidder, what I've noticed was probably a mistake. But I'll still keep an eye on it.
Does anyone know why the US Coast Guard would be doing urban warfare training. They showed it on local television in the Boston area a couple of months ago.
I had a memo from the Coast Guard 9th Division in Michigan which is warning its family members to prepare for problems because of y2k,such as power outages.etc. This of coarse is not general knowledge to the sheeple people whom the governmink wants to keep in the dark right up to the end. Now do you understand why even the Coast guard is practicing for urban warfare along with the rest of our military. Go to the website where a person is getting good info that the masses arent supposed to get. What are the American people paying taxes for? The Federales are keeping the people in the dark about the true nature of y2k.
Guys, my trust for big government isn't any greater than the rest of yours.

But isn't the CONSPIRRRRRRRRRRACY speculation getting a bit out of hand, here?

Who, Ivan8333, is going to be setting up marshal law in Texas alone, more less the entire US? When we say: "You and what army?", we mean it. Who's going to march on their own people? Get real. Come back inside; it's getting hot out there.

Oh, I've no doubt that we'll see the military enforcing the law, if we're not careful.

I've no doubt that the current pres is not above enacting a "state of emergency" if an urban are refuses to give up its guns, and calling out the Nat. Guard.

But I've got a lot of friends in the military who will tell any commanding officer who orders him to illegally jail or fire on US citizens to shove it. You know them, too, if you think about it. The are not the exception-- they're the rule. Most of them hate the Commander in Chief as much as you.

I'm not saying we don't need to be vigilant, but let's have some perspective here, and I don't mean from 1913.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 28, 1999).]
Two things to say:
1.) The U.S. Coast Guard is not part of the Department of Defense, it is part of the Department of Transportation. Therefore; the Posse Comitatis act does not apply to the Coast Guard.
2.) The New York City police department is bigger than the U.S.C.G. You have nothing to fear from the Coast Guard, trust me.

Ivan you are 100% correct about the C.G. and Y2k.

[This message has been edited by walkin' man (edited July 28, 1999).]
Lets get a couple of things straight. The urban warfare training was televised on the six o'clock news. I just thought it was odd that the Coast Guard was involved in this type of training exercise. I have always associated them with the water and boats. And no I am not afraid of the Coast Guard, I have never had one of them draw a gun on me, and I worked with these guys in the service and have the utmost respect for their dedication to duty and country. You guys really ought to lightin up.
I wouldn't worry to much about the barbed wire. I've noticed it for years around here.
We have a couple of large cementaries that have the same set up, wire facing in.
I also have a friend that was recently accepted in Delta (Now called CAG), he's just bored..... go figure