Pre Halloween Scare


Ok TFL'ers,
Halloween is just around the corner when goblins may try to pull a home invasion.
What are you doing to prepare?

Some years back, we had just moved into our house. My house is on a terraced tract and we are just downslope from our sidewalk. It is a steep incline to get to our house so we don't get too many folks coming, plus there are very few kids in our arar.
Anyway, it was past 9 p.m. and the thick fog was rolling in. I decided, what the heck the rubbish day was tomorrow, so I peered out from the master bedroom. Seeing nothing I took the rubbish bags out through the garage. It was nice and quiet when I looked up the walkway and there were 5 boys about 5'6" walking towards me in a skirmish line.
These boys were dressed in full camo BDU's, faces greased up, rucksacks, and replica AR-15' heartstopped and my mind was racing a mile a minute.
How fast could I draw my CZ-75 stuck in my waistband and how many of these apparitions could I grease first before they croaked me?
That's when the pointman said in a high squeaky voice, "Trick or treat, mister, can we get some candy?"
Taking a closer look, I could see that they were just young teenagers dressed for trick or treat.

How do you prepare for goblins who might show up as trick or treaters and might try to do a home invasion instead?
I keep a bucket of eggs beside the door. Got the hose ready too.

Ahh, the memories ! You would of hated me LAsur5r, We used to smoke bomb the front porch then ring the door bell, when the door opened one guy would grab the bowl of candy while the others chucked eggs inside the house. :D Crap, I can't wait till I'm middle aged and Karma slaps me hard in the face. At least I will be prepared.
Although I am ancient, compared to many of you young dudes. In Hawaii, we'd get people who would darken the area around their front door so when you came up to their house, they'd hold out a brown paper bag and tell you that they'd let you have all the candy you can grab in one grab....the bag would be filled with tourists know it as that gray glue like substance that is impossible to ingest. Imagine having your hands full of that stuff and you can't tell what it is in the dark. LOL :eek: :eek:

So when I came to the mainland and we were bored, we'd put poi in a baggie,with ink and flour for color and consistency. We'd make about 5 "balloons" per person and we'd bomb police cars as they drove by one patrol.

On houses where we didn't like the occupant, we'd have one person delay the person at the door, while some of us would "frag" the room through the opened front door with eggs from cover.
It was funny to see because some of the guys were so fast and accurate, they could throw a carton of eggs in 30 seconds. (one by one) and the tenant wouldn't know.)
Oh was fun when it lasted.
I would've liked running around with sounded like fun.
Thr trouble with what you posted? We'd be bad because we'd bounce ideas off of each other and get in trouble executing them...
Meanwhile, stay out of trouble and practice! Practice! Practice!
Poi ? I don't want to know but that sounds pretty cruel ! Here that would accrue a well deserved egging.

These days it seems like Halloween is becoming less and less popular. I usually just leave an empty Candy bowl outside with a sign that says "Help yourselves !" ;).
Eggs are overrated IMO. Yeah they're funny and they can do permanent damage, but when people drive by they may very well miss the fact that the house has been egged. We stick with the traditional TP. One guy woke up to 364 rolls of TP in his trees. We threw 'em all then picked up the half rolls that were left in the yard and threw them again. Another time the police showed up the next day to block the road because it was a 'hazard.' We rolled a pine branch hanging over the road and you couldn't see down the street =) Then there was the time where we poured salt in our Chemistry teacher's yard (she was the devil) and spelled out NaCl with it. Her grass died and it read NaCl for months. We also poured flour all over her walkway...looked like snow! Sardines in the crawl space to stink up her house without her knowing where it was coming from...various other humorous things. Our next urban op will be to paint someone's car one night. What a surprise that poor b*stard is gonna have!

As for preparing for Halloween, I'll just have the AK handy =)
It starts with eggs, it ends with Paintball guns.

The last Halloween in which I went out and reaked havoc (92'93)I brought the ol' Spartan pump action with me. Lots of stuff happened that night (running from the cops, sniping their cars while they were shaking down Trick-or-Treaters) but what is forever eched in my mind was probably a little more malicious than anything I had done before. While crossing a field with a group of friends we came upon a large group (30-40) eigth graders in the midst of a shaving cream/egg fight. It was mostly girls who were getting creamed by a small group of guys hiding in the bushes. My friends and I dispersed the crowd with a few healthy blasts from our paintball guns, then we outflanked the group of guys (7-8) who had been egging the girls. They were scared sh!tless (imagine 6-7 Teenagers in fatigues with guns). I lined them up, told them to turn around and that I was going to give them one shot in the @ss, if they ran, they would get the crap beat out of them. They were scared man, each guy looking at the other nervously, anticipating the shot in the @ss. One guy pleaded with me that he played Little League with my younger brother, I made sure to give him two shots straight up the pooper. So anyways, each guy one by one I unload a frozen paintball unto their buttocks, I have to admit it was pretty damn funny (they cried like girls), then the second to last guy took off running. It took my friends about 50 yards to catch him. Well, we didn't beat the crap out of him, but we held him down stomach to the ground, put a carton of eggs down the rear of his pants and each took a turn stomping on them. Then we each shot him on the backside for good measure.

This type of thing happened all throughout the night culminating in a knock on the door at 1:00 a.m. from the police to collect my paintball gun.

[This message has been edited by MTAA (edited September 24, 2000).]