Pre Ban Hi Cap Mags in Post Ban gun legal?


I was just at a gun store today checking out Glocks. When I asked the salesman about using hi cap mags he said it was okay to use them at the range but that you couldn't use them for carry legally in a post ban Glock. In my state you need a Class A LTC permit to carry Hi Cap mags. I do have a a Hi Cap permit but the guy said I could only carry my pre ban Hi Cap mag if the Glock was made prior to the ban, IS HE WRONG? I hope so! If anyone can dirrect me to the actual legal wording on this point that would be great also.
*He was not referring to any state law as the pre/postban is a Fed. issue.
It sounds like he was blowing smoke, Para-Ord sells post ban pistols with coupons for pre ban hi-cap magazines. If you are not LE or military, you can not buy post ban hi-caps. He may be trying to keep what few pre ban hi-caps he has for others or himself.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I know of no Federal rules/laws that would prohibit you from using pre-ban hi-capacity magazines in a post ban Glock, or any other weapon for that matter. I don't know what the Massachusetts state laws are regarding this issue though. If the guy was talking about *Federal* laws only, then I say he was very uninformed. Too bad that some people who work in gun shops aren't more knowledgeable about these things.


It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Another case of a clerk-turned-expert based on his his position in relation to the sales counter. I watch these litlle dweebs regularly hold Court and dole out advice to people who just want some facts. It really makes me crazy!

The worst of it is when they take a first time buyer and explain just how easy a gun is to operate:
"Here, with this laser sight, you just point and shoot. You're all set."
"Gee thanks, Sir. I'll just put this in my bedside table in case I ever need it. I feel much safer now."

Tell the cretin that I said he'd be incapable of giving advice if it was printed in DayGlow on the backs of his eyelids. Then invite him over to TFL so that I can tell him myself.
Currently having nothing "postban", let me ask here, what is the difference in the weapon itself between a preban and postban Glock, or more to the point a Sig 229, which is what I have? My original understanding was that the magazine was changed, nothing else. In which case I'd think the terminology would be preban or postban magazines, not pistols.

I speak as per my preban AR, which has a whole bunch of (irrelevant) differences from a postban besides magazine size, but was unaware there were any such with the Sig.
Pardon me for repeating myself here but I'd like to be real clear on this one-
My state does allow people to carry hi cap mags if they have a Class 3 LTC (which I do).

So in regard to the FEDERAL LAWS is it legal to use my Pre Ban non leo Hi Cap mags in my Post Ban Glock as a CARRY weapon?
In federal law, the terms "pre-ban" and "post ban" as applied to firearms apply mainly to so-called "assault rifles" not to pistols like those described.

The terms as applied to magazines are simple: Private citizens cannot own high capacity (over 10 round) magazines MADE after the ban. Any magazines made before the ban can be used in any gun they will fit.

State or local law may impose other restrictions.

Barkin' Dog-
Mr Keenean has stated the law succinctly. If a magazine is not stamped "LE Only", regardless of capacity, you can put it into any weapon opf your choice.

-Pre ban: High cap mags can be sold to civilians.

-Post ban: Newly manufactured hi-caps must be stamped "LE Only" and sold only thru requests on Dept letterhead. Civilians may not carry these post ban high caps but can continue to buy, sell, trade, carry, shoot, disassemble, clean and juggle with pre ban high caps.

The clerk's advice was bogus.
ps: There is no legal distinction between a pre-ban vs post-ban Glock....the ban had to do with magazines, not handguns. Glock made some changes coincidental to the time of the magazine law and, later, came out with compact models to take advantage of the 10 round mag limit. But your Glock should not be viewed as a "post ban" Glock.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 05, 1999).]
Thanks Guys, I thought the clerks info was misguided but just wanted to check and be sure. Just another case of misunderstanding of this screwed up law. That clerk isn't the only one who has trouble getting gun laws straight, many people in my state have been told different versions of Fed & State laws by LEO's different towns here.
Well good thing about the hi caps being cool to carry as I've already got 4 new Pre Ban ones waiting for my gun to arrive. :)
Ladies and gentlemen. Your attention please. In the Gunweb Forums, in the handgun section, there is a debate on the same subject. One of the posters is ex-BATF, and apparently a pretty pro-2nd Amendment dude. He quoted the law, from the book and gave a good explanation. You can find it at (
Paul B.

[This message has been edited by Paul B. (edited September 06, 1999).]