Prairie dog hunt


Any body done any prairie dog hunting in SD..first time for me looking for help on where to go
Well it isn't a hunt for one thing, it is a lot of shooting at pop up targets.:D It is a whole lot of fun, take as much ammunition as you can, several rifles, a lot of water, and some sort of shade if you are going to be shooting all day. I don't have any advice about shooting PD's in SD never done it there.
Ok thanks I have the ammo now and 4 guns along with my 2 sons and there guns.i have read alot of posts on this and every one says they shot alot of ammo today's market it took me almost a year of reloading and buying ammo..thanks again
Call the SD department of wildlife and ask if any ranchers are complaining. They might have some phone numbers for you:)

If that fails drive to some ranches and ask permission or try to find PD towns on public land.
Prairie dog shooting on the National Grasslands in SD is closed March 1 to June 15th. If you shoot on any of the grasslands you might want to check with the field offices to see if there is plague in the area and if there are any precautions they suggest.
Ok thanks again for the advise..we are looking for this to happen in June July or aug. dates are open for's just a long drive from mi. And we don't want to be of any trouble to anyone just have fun..
if you really want to "hunt" them, use a bow. I did that many times and its a blast. 100's of arrows shot with one kill, good times :)
IME, you will get much more shooting done in the first 2 weeks of June: young pups have not associated gunfire with danger yet ......

Later in the summer, after they have been shot at a few times, prairie dogs will hole up after the first couple of shots..... at some of the more accessible towns I shoot at, they run for their holes if a vehichle slows down when passing by on the road.

It is also cooler in June than later in the summer.