Practice/Remedial Day At The Range Today

Glenn Bartley

New member
I attended my agency's practice/remedial day at the range today. I will be shooting at these whenever I can attend in the future - more shooting is always a plus as I see it. Only been to 2 so far since I got back from Phoenix in April, don't think they had them before I left for AZ back in December, maybe they did and I do not remember (muddled middle age memory syndrome).

Today I shot the best I have shot from the 25 yard line in some time. Granted most of it was slow, untimed shooting, but even when timed for a qualification type course, I did pretty good. Shooting the ICE-QT (qualification target), I shot three times from 25 yards getting every shot (18 shots in two volleys and 12 in another), except 1 shot out of each volley, into the center ring which is 3 3/8" wide but 4 3/8" high. I do not know the actual group size, I would say without the 1 flyer in each of the 3 groups, that they probably averaged about 3.75 to 4 inches. That was standing, unsupported, fairly slow fire. I know, a lot of people can do better, but it was more than good enough for me. I probably usually shoot 5 to 6" groups, or a bit larger, at that distance but have been practicing more lately and I guess I have improved some. When I shot the same target in a practice qualification, with turning targets and timed fire, I shot a 246 out of 250. I was shoot a SIG 229 DAK.

It was a warm, humid day at the range but was fun nonetheless. Sure beats being in the office.;)

All the best,
Glenn B
Sounds like you're doing well, having fun, and working on constant improvement. What more could you ask for? ...and points are great.. but minute of badguy is what counts! LoL
I have one of those to my credit. Only wounded him with a single shot but the shot opened 5 holes in him including two in his scrotum:eek:. His face actually looked something like that smiley just after it hit him.

That was not fun, nor were the nightmares that followed for several years afterwards (the first 6 months of them were especially bad for me). Shooting someone, and hurting them badly or killing them, is something most of us have learned from a young age is not a good thing to do, and even though self defense is a good thing, hurting others goes against the grain of my upbringing.

Then again, had I not trained and practiced my training over and over again about what to do in a situation where it seemed someone had the drop on me with a gun, I may have been not only robbed of my money but killed and had my gun, ammo and creds stolen too. Once they found out I was an LEO they may have tried to kill me just because I wa sone or because they may have panicked thinking I wiould be able to ID them. Of course, that is had I not done that for which I had trained and practiced repeatedly and one of those things was to shoot and another was not to surrender and put myself at the mercy of dirtbags.

Repeatedly training and then practicing what you learned are good things. Even better if you enjoy it as I do.

As for the one guy I shot, the story is here if you want to read it:

All the best,
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