practice makes perfect !!


First off...I'm not a "serious hunter" or combat shooter or anything like that but I am, for lack of a better word a passionate "plinker". My favorite plinking machine (out of a healthy selection of hand & long guns) is an old savage mod 24 .410/.22 overunder. (I like this one 'cause it doesn't spray shells all over the backyard!!).

Anyhow...I've fired thousands of rounds of .22 thru this and am, I guess, a pretty decent shot. Never really realized it 'till last night. I've had a racoon problem in my attic for quite some time and I'd usually wait 'till I heard them coming out (shallow pitch roof on a bungalow) through their "door" in the outside and nail 'em with the .410. No big deal. But last night I could hear them rustling around up there and running out of patience I ducked up in the attic (real P.I.T.A. to crawl around up there..low, no lights & lotsa rafters in the way) with the trusty mod24 and a big friggin maglite. Dropped a hefty racoon pretty much half the length of the house 45', through the eye, while still training the flashlight on him. I thought it was pretty damn good! The point of the whole story is, I remember cracking the gun, fishing out the shell and putting a new one in, closing the action and lining up for a 2nd shot in what must have been a couple seconds at most and while still keeping my eyes on the 'coon and hoping for a shot at his partner! Never even had to look at the breech....didn't really realize this 'till afterwards but its got to be down to all the practice (which I do simply for cheap fun!).....really brings the point home about practice though don't it?? BTW, i had a .38 snubbie loaded with snakeshot in my pocket case I couldn't reload and one of 'em "freaked out" These are DAMN BIG racoons!!
The point of the whole story is, I remember cracking the gun, fishing out the shell and putting a new one in, closing the action and lining up for a 2nd shot in what must have been a couple seconds at most and while still keeping my eyes on the 'coon and hoping for a shot at his partner! Never even had to look at the breech....didn't really realize this 'till afterwards but its got to be down to all the practice

No bout adoubt it. It can pay off.