Practice - Alone or with friends

Do you practice better alone or with a group?

  • Lone gunman - shoot better alone

    Votes: 17 28.3%
  • Group chemistry I learn more and shoot with others

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • No Diff to me....Either one is the same to me.

    Votes: 34 56.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Need your opinions:

When I go out to shoot - it is usually divided into 2 events - a zero in / practice sesssion and a just for fun session. Normally when I go alone - the "business" portion of the shoot lasts 30% longer. If I am shooting for an hour - it would go 40 minutes, and if I am with friends, there is some disruption, as we switch places, talk about a mini-contest on accuracy etc.

Anyway, I noticed that when I shoot alone - my groupings are much better and my reaction times, faster and cleaner, than when I shoot with a group. Is this just psychological? Or is there some trick to psyche yourself up when with friends to concentrate better?

Have any of you noticed a difference?
Since I used to be a competitive bullseye shooter, having competed in many matches, shooting with people does not affect my shooting too much. Maybe if I have to shoot individually in front of a crowd, then yes, like most I get more nervous, until I actually start shooting. Then I just can zone in on my previous training and concentrate only on the sights.:cool:
Because I do shoot better than the average shooter, I either spend alot of time coaching, zeroing others guns or have people watching me shoot. So shooting with people is more a social thing, but for serious concentrate only on the thing at hand type training, I sometimes prefer to train by myself.
In fact I just got back from the range shooting with a newbie buddy. Spent about half my time helping him out, and the other half going through my scheduled drills. It does get lonely though, and it's not as fun when you shoot a tiny group, when there is no one to share it with! :)
Actually, I train 50% at least at home, dry firing and unloaded weapons draw and fire drills, reloads with empty mags, etc. For me, the firing range is only a way to show me that my at home, dry practice is being done correctly.
I shoot with a friend, but only because I can split the cost of the lane, since our shooting range is over priced
I think it's just more fun with friends. You do not need to shoot all the time (no one can stay that long focussed) and you can talk in between shoots.

Also positive to me is that friends can slow you down, make you take more care of your shooting by pointing out where you make mistakes.
i dont have any preferance, as both are godd practise.
by yourself you can get used to your gun and learn how to shoot with it quickly and accurately.
with friends you can learn to shoot while other people are shooting, not getting distracted and jumpy when you are shooting. also you can have competiotions and all that other fun stuff...
I voted "lone gunman" because I never seem to get much shooting done when I go with a group, but that said I never "train" (do anything more than static target shooting) unless I have at least one person around as well for safety reasons...more than one and I don't shoot enough.
Your polling choices are too exclusionary. Shooting alone has certain benefits as does shooting with some (not all) friends. They aren't necessarily the same benefits, so they are different, but still beneficial.
I'd like to say that I practice with friends or groups, but none of my friends and coworkers like to shoot. The only time I get to interact with other shooters is at the IDPA meet.

Sad. :(
I agree with 'Double Naught' -- both options have different benefits. I'll be participating in the 'with friends' option on Friday!! ;)
I definitely prefer to shoot alone. That way I only have one arrogant know-it-all to deal with. :D

I prefer to shoot alone. I can get more done in less time without the distractions. However, if I seem to be having trouble or can't seem to improve, then I want to have some friends around to see if I'm doing something wrong or have picked up some bad habits.
I too, have to agree with Double Naught Spy (#7). I enjoy shooting; alone, with a friend, or with several friends.

Shooting alone is good practice, as I tend to work on one or two things that I am concerned about improving at that time. For example, right now it is point shooting from a draw and striving for accuracy - either single shot or double-tap.

But given the choice between shooting alone or with a friend, I would probably choose shooting with a friend. I particularly enjoy the opportunity to introduce "non-shooters" into handgun shooting. On those occasions, I tend not to do as much shooting as I am trying to make sure that the new shooter has a safe and fun time, but I get my reward - as I did a few weeks ago - when the previously "non-shooter" said "Boy, this can really be addicting!". I had fun and he is now a convert looking to purchase his first handgun.

Plus, there is one added benefit of shooting with someone... when you shoot a really great round or a particularly good target, its nice to have a witness!
I like to shoot alone if I want to focus on a specific weak area or technique. This way I avoid limiting a partner. I also enjoy shooting with people who are equal or better shooters than me, it seems to make me concentrate more and improves my shooting. When I'm at the range helping others I don't shoot much if at all as I don't want to give them the impression that I'm showing off or putting their shooting down.
If I really want to work on something, I'll go alone, but I generally go with a friend or two. ever notice what I call the Bowling Phenominon? I seem to bowl as good or as bad as everyone else. I have a 180 average...but if everyone else is doing 100, then that's what I get.
Re: Bowling phenomenon

Ya' know - your right.

But the good news is - it works both ways. If the first shooter gets them all inside the 9 or 10, or hits all five plates, then the pressure is on for you to do the same. You try a little harder maybe?