"Why not a pro-RKBA live-and-let-live Democrat?"
Because that's a contradiction in terms. An oxymoron.
Democrats' economic policies are sooo "generous" to "help" the "underpriveledged." To accomplish this subsidy, they extort money from everyone else. That's not 'live-and-let-live' at all.
I speak as one whose income-to-number-of-children ratio qualifies us for lots of government "help."
Forget it. We'll stand on our own two feet.
When my eldest was 4, she was listening to myself and my husband rant about our very liberal Democrat Congresswoman. So that the little one wouldn't get a mistaken idea, I figured I'd better simplify it so she could understand. (It's amazing what you do when you have children present!) After a moment of hard thought, I asked, "On whom do we depend: the government or on God?" The well-trained child
)) said, "On God." "Yes, but this person thinks we should depend on government instead. We disagree with her. We should work hard and help our neighbors and friends, and look to God and neighbors and friends for any assistance we need. It's not the proper role of government to play God in people's lives."
The 4-yo got it.
We were speaking about economics, but the same follows for some other subject areas as well. Including RBKA, which our family wasn't paying attention to at that time.
I would encourage your running for political office, Oleg. I just don't see how you could do it as a Democrat.
Train your children right: